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(help i'm having too much fun writing this >< )

we found he and she gave thorfinn a massively judging look, "what are you doing with my best friend?"...

 i panic slightly as i wasn't expecting her to react like this however Thorfinn was a boy and i never spent much time with boys so i guess i should have slightly anticipated this...

"he's my friend, don't worry, he's an exchange student from Iceland and i've become friends with him."i say and watch her eyebrow raise, currently slightly dubious  of my story until Thorfinn stuck out his hand and greeted her in Icelandic and then English to prove i wasn't lying. i felt proud of him in that moment for some reason and smiled ,"see?" i said to my best friend (Madri) and she looked like she finally believed me 

"fine ok, is he living in your house? wait your parents don't know because you told me they were on holiday!"

"yeah, i'm praying they'll let him stay" i say, not having to lie this time as it was true, my parents could be very unpredictable at points, especially now.

"hello, my name is Thorfinn" thorfinn says and gestures that Madri shakes his hand. Madri shakes his hand and walks away. i gesture for thorfinn to follow and i walk beside Madri  towards the canteen and wait for her to buy her waffle

at break i take the chance to check up on thorfinn,"hey are you ok?" 

"yeah this school thing is actually kind of fun, one minute i'll be back , i need the toilet " thorfinn says and walks away

someone comes up to me, Kartlan, from our form , he's a bit of a bully  "hey loser why are you hitting on the new kid?"he asked me

"i'm not!" i respond furiously 

"yeah you are you're constantly talking to him and around him!"

"yeah thats because he's my friend"

"i don't believe you ,your a whore and we all know it, you hit on the first person you find!"

i walk away crying, luckily i have free periods for the last ones and i go home, receiving a text from my parents saying they'll be home at 5.

Thorfinn walks round the corner just in time to see me walking away crying.

"what did you do." thorfinn asks Kartlan in a dangerous tone.

"oh nothing i only told her to stop hitting on you and that she's a whore" Kartlan sniggered. i don't know what whore means but to make someone as emotionally strong as lily cry, it must be extremely rude.

"you're as good as dead." thorfinn says and punches Kartlan square in the jaw and temporarily knocks him out and thorfinn goes after me...

at my house thorfinn comes in through the open door and closes it behind him and walks up to my room, "can i come in?" thorfinn asks tentatively 

"yeah" i say lifting my head from my pillow and flop back onto my bed as soon as he comes in, thinking he was just in here because he could be, not knowing he was going to check up on me.

"hey lily, are you ok?"he asks coming over and sitting on my bed

"oh... not very... its just some stupid kid at school" i say 

"well they're just stupid and don't know anything about you so just ignore them ok?" he says and puts his hand on my shoulder, making me sit up and look at him, i overestimated how far away Thorfinn would be and our faces were extremely close when i sat up, i immediately shuffled backwards, slightly embarrassed.

"ok... thanks" i say and smile at him, appreciating that he came to check on me 

(BTW UPDATE ON HANAKO-KUN MANGA 3 i figured it out, Kou likes Hanako as a friend THATS why he made him donuts :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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