Banner's Love

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Summery: Tony Stark loved to joke about Bruce and his 'Mondo bag of weed'. What he didn't know was that the joke held some credence. Anytime Bruce would come visit you, he would test out the new strains you were cultivating. This led to some hijinks.

Warnings: HARD OF HEARING READER, Angst, Smut, Mentions of Sex and Sexual Acts, Fluff. Domestic Living, Drug Use (Marijuana and Alcohol)

Author's Note: Weed is completely legal in Canada (a fact I have learned recently from one of my ethics classes.). It is also legal to share with consenting adults. So, no laws were broken in this story.

"Okay, guys. I'm leaving for the airport." Bruce called to his make-shift family as he walked towards the elevator with his duffle. "Have fun." Nat called. "Tell your lady friend we can't wait to meet her." Bruce simply nodded his head. You and Bruce have been dating for just over a year. You were unofficially enjoying each others 'company' for a year and a half before that. The team knew about you from the start. Well, 'knew' is a relative term. They knew what Bruce was comfortable with sharing. Which was nothing more than the bare minimum. They didn't even know your family name. Only that your first name was ____. As the elevator doors closed, Bruce fished his phone out of his pocket. Fumbling with the touchscreen, he unlocked his phone. He sent you a quick text to let you know he was on his way to the airport. You quickly responded with a string of seemingly unrelated emojis. Bruce was quick to decode them as being your warning to be safe. his heart warmed at the fact that you cared so much for him

The two of you had met at a medical conference years ago. He was there speaking at a panel on the side effects of drugs meant to suppress the body's reactions to Gamma Radiation. You were there speaking on the benefits of medical Marijuana. The Canadian government had chosen you as the spokesperson to try and get stronger strains of Marijuana approved for cancer patients, instead of simply having them smoke the 'normal' stuff that any adult could enjoy at their own discretion. You were also the Doctor chosen to over see the trials and grow the new strains. It was hard work. Gene splicing, cross-breeding, and climate control were just some of the skills eating up your time. Not to mention the panel of 50 patients you now had to oversee on your own. All this work kept you busy. Overworked was more like it.

As the taxi was nearly halfway to the airport, Bruce's phone rang. The bright, cheery ringtone he had assigned as yours filled the tight confines of the cab. 'She never calls me.' Bruce thought to himself. 'She needs us. Something's wrong. She isn't safe' Hulk's voice perverted his mind. Bruce rolled his eyes before quickly answering the phone right as it had even begun its second ring. "Yes Honey." He said into the phone as soon as he answered, his voice loud and strong. He was talking to you over the phone the same way one would speak to an elderly person.

"Hey, I was just seeing if you made it to the airport safe." You asked, voice in its natural state of lispy it was whenever you talked out loud. This was what made you avoid talking on the phone, or even talking to most people in person. You usually just used ASL to communicate due to how self conscience you are about your voice. Bruce was your only exception. You could talk to him for hours, be it over the phone, on Skype, or face-to-face. "I'm nearly there now." Bruce responded before trying to cross his legs in the cramped back seat. "Okay. I was just worried." You admit freely. "I'm alright Honey, I promise." He pauses a moment as he tried to keep himself from speaking too fast, knowing you won't be able to understand him if he isn't slow. "I'll be there soon. I love you." "I love you too, Brucie Bear." You call. "I have an exciting surprise when you get here." "I can't wait, Love." His deep voice responds. "Oh, my doorbell's vibrating. Mr. Coleman's here for his checkup. Gotta go. Love you. See you soon." You babble you before sending kissing sounds into the phone and hanging up.

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