Who's & 'Doll'?

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Chapter Summery: {Set during TFATWS: AU} Bucky refuses to talk during his Court-mandated therapy. Prompting Dr. Raynor to look through his phone. What secret's will she uncover after a quick look through his contacts.

 It had happened many times before:

Bucky had woken up in a cold sweat on his apartment floor. It always happened. Recently, however, they have gotten much worst. Without the one thing that soothed him, Bucky was having nightmares almost every night. He can't remember the last time he slept through a whole night. His serum made that nearly impossible, even on a good day. Add the nightmares, which were actually dark memories of his forced life, into the mix and Bucky was running on empty most days.

The fact that he had to go see a therapist four days a week made his already low energy levels disastrous. Bucky loathed therapy. He didn't need his head shrunk. He had had enough of people messing with his head. "Doctor Raynor will see you now." The bubbly blonde at the front desk called to him, 'Fuck Me' eyes on full display. It wasn't something Bucky usually minded. A bit of harmless flirting was healthy. But, something about the way this woman acted, led Bucky to believe it wasn't as innocent as he had originally expected. The way she would speak in a whiney voice when speaking to only him. The way she pouted her lips when around him. And, most obviously, the way she pushed her cleavage into his view as he was waiting for his session.

"Tell me about your most recent nightmare." Doctor Raynor said as she crossed her left leg over her right. It was nearing the end of the session and Bucky was yet to speak. This was the third session that would go by in complete silence. Doctor Raynor knew Bucky was a functional mute when she took his case. But, this was getting ridiculous. "I told you. I didn't have a nightmare." Bucky argued. "We've been doing this long enough that I can tell when you're lying to me." Raynor defended. Bucky simply nodded his head silently. He really didn't want to talk about this one. It was the worst memory he had. The one mission he regretted above all others. He only shared this memory with the one person he trusted most in the world. The one person he hadn't seen since Tony Stark's funeral. The only person who shared that memory. Without a word, the Doctor reached over to her right and pulled her notepad off of the side table. She made a grand show of opening the notepad. And of clicking the pen. "Really?" Bucky snarked. "The notebook thing again? That's passive-aggressive." He complained, while still refusing to meet her eyes.

"James, you are going to have to open up eventually." Raynor argued. "These sessions are a condition of your pardon." "Don't you think I know that, Doc?" Bucky offered simply. An awkward silence filled the room quickly. "Listen." Raynor broke the silence. "You have to realize there are people trying to help you. If you won't talk to me, then at least talk to someone. I can't just let you bottle all this up." "I do talk to people." Bucky defends. "Really?" Raynor asks, calling Bucky's bluff. "Then hand me your phone." After a scoff, Bucky tilts his body to the side so he can dig his phone out of his front left pocket. He smacks the phone into Raynor's hand and slumps back fully into the couch. Raynor's gaze left Bucky and focused on his phone.

"You don't even have ten names in here." Raynor began. "And you're ignoring Sam's calls AND texts. Have been for weeks." Raynor's words and motions froze as she focused on Bucky's screen. Bucky watched, in horror, as a smirk came to light on Doctor Raynor's face. It was then that Bucky pieced together what the good Doctor must have found. Bucky leans forward to try to snatch the phone back. But, since he was so far away, he couldn't even reach the phone.

"Who's 'Doll'?" Doctor Raynor asked as she looked into Bucky's eyes, forcing him to focus on her. "You never ignore "Doll's" calls and texts. Even when those calls happen at three in the morning." Bucky bit his lip as he tried to retreat from her gaze. "James, some of these texts are quite risqué. And, I wouldn't dare open those picture messages." Doctor Raynor said sternly. " I surely hope this isn't just some stranger you are speaking to like this." Raynor teases as she continues to read through the text chain currently lighting up the smart phone. Bucky was looking anywhere but the Doctor. He apparently found the small stain on the carpet in front of him very interesting. "Bucky!" Rayner practically screamed. This made Bucky snap his head to her. She can't call me Bucky. He thought to himself as he meets her eye. "I'm not Bucky to you." He spits out. "My friends call me Bucky. You are not my friend." He seethes coldly. "But, Doll is?" Rayner asks, knowing by his face that she had him now. She knew they were on the brink of a breakthrough. Bucky simply chewed on the inside of his cheek.

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