Tony's Hearts

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Pairing(s): Tony Stark X FEM!Reader Daughter Pepper Potts X FEM!Reader Daughter

Warnings: Serious Medical Condition, Depictions of Surgery, Fight scenes, Conflict, Yelling, Language, DRAMA, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/ Comfort, Domestic Life, major character death

Summary: Y/N Stark is the adopted daughter Of Popper Potts and Tony Stark. She is six years older than Morgan (10 during end game). She was adopted after her parents died in a plane crash casued by Thanos dusting the pilot.

A/N: Y/N was adopted right after the blip. She was already a part of the family by the time Pepper was pregnant. So, Morgan sees her as a true sister and vise versa. 

"Chow time!!" Tony stark called after walking out of the cabin that his family had been living in since the blip. "Morgan H. Stark, lunchtime." Tony called while sitting down in the child-sized chair. "No!" The four year old cried from inside of her teepee. He could hear the sadness in her voice immediately. "Maguna." Tony coaxed. "You need to eat your lunch." "No! I want Y/N." Tony let out a rugged breath. "She'll be home soon." "Then I'll eat soon. I want to have a picnic with her. I miss her." Morgan whined. Y/N had been in hospital for two weeks now. Her heart was getting weaker the more she grew. "She will be sleepy when she gets home." Finally, Morgan walked out of the teepee. A deep blue ironman-esk mask fixed to her face. "You should not be wearing that okay? That is part a special anniversary gift Y/N and I are makin' for mom." Tony explains softly before kissing the cheek of the mask. Tony gently removes the helmet before smoothing down Morgan's soft brown hair. "There you go." He sooths softly.

"What are you thinking about lunch?" Tony asks quietly. "I could give you a handful of crickets....On a bed of lettuce." "No" The young girl countered, voice barely audible. "That's what you want." Tony jokes. "how did you find this?" he questions while holding up the helmet. "Garage." "Really?" Tony inquires. "were you looking for it?" "No" Morgan Defends. "I found it though." "HMMMM." Tony let out a semi-content sound. "You like goin' in the garage, Huh? So does Daddy." With that, Tony picked up his young daughter and began the extremely short walk back to the cabin's wrap around porch. "It's fine though. Mom never wears anything i buy her."

As Tony was about to open the front door, A well known car pulls up. Followed by a car he only recognized because it was one of his. When Morgan saw the first car, She fought to get down. "Y/N!!!" Morgan squeals happily when Tony gently lowered her onto the wooden porch. Morgan was running towards the car before the occupants of the second car even made themselves known. As Morgan got closer to the first car, Happy was quick to get out of the driver's seat to intercept her. He knew Y/N was too weak from this surgery to fake being okay as she usually tried to. The installation of a Stark Arc Reactor would take weeks for her body to get used to, if at all. But, it was the last chance to not only keep her alive, but give her a chance at a normal happy life. Away from the long hospital stays and constant heart surgeries. Y/N was born missing more than half her heart. So she has had many surgeries to get her 'in working order' as her surgical team said. "Maguna, be gentle with your sister." Tony calls quickly.

While Happy tended to Y/N and Morgan, The doors of the second car finally opened. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff stepped out of the car before shutting the doors and walking towards Tony. Scott Lang lingers behind until after Happy helped Y/N into the cabin, Morgan following close on his heels. The worried sound that escaped Pepper's lips was audible to only the trio that was now inside. the people on the porch were none the wiser.

Happy helped Y/N to her room and hooked her up to the heart monitor before making sure she was as comfortable as possible. This action was something he wasn't very confident in. But, he knew it needed done. He was always worried to stick the receptors in the wrong spots. He then went back out into the kitchen/ Diningroom area. Y/N was in the only bedroom on the main floor. Morgan and their parents were upstairs. This sleeping arrangement was new. The bedroom Y/N was in used to be the playroom for her and Morgan. Her true bedroom as right next door to Morgan's upstairs. Y/N would stay in this new room until her heart was used to the new tech that now made a diamond shaped glow in her chest.

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