Soldier's Partner 2

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Pairing(s): Winter Soldier x Reader Bucky Barnes x Reader Captain America x Reader Steve Rogers x ReaderChapter 

Summery: You have been an avenger for nearly six months. When Doctor Strange warns the team of advanced twins, Yours and Bucky's lives go into a tailspin. When you all travel to San Francisco in an attempt to track them down, the secret is out. 

 Warnings: Gun Fights, Violence, Hand to Hand Combat, PTSD, Torture, Angst, Mentions of Sex and Sexual Acts, Fluff. Domestic Living, POLIGAMY 

Author's Note: DNI if the themed depicted in 'warnings' aren't your cup of tea. the themes will be heavily discussed in this fic. 

The loud blaring woke you up with a start. When you jerked to sitting, the blaring seemed to get even louder. The bright morning sun sneaked its way into the gape between your blackout curtains. A frustrated growl escaped you as you let your body wake up fully. The noise getting louder and stronger the whole time. Getting to the point where you could feel the vibrations coming from the speakers. It took you a half second more to realize it was the mission alarm. In the six months you have been a member of the team, the alarm had only been used a handful of times. So it was still odd for you. Also odd was the fact that you had woken up in your own room. "I swore I went to Jamie's room last night." You whisper to yourself as you drag your right hand down your over-tired face. The black metal pinky ring you have been constantly wearing since your boys surprised you with it providing a much needed dash of cooling. After completing the needed morning rituals, You rush to your now-fully-stocked closet to try to scrounge up a clean outfit for a mission. In the past three weeks, the missions have come in such a constant succession that you haven't been able to clean any of your clothes. Least of all your 'super suits'. Stark had started with only one. But, he quickly lost himself in making you, the newest avenger, as many tactical suits as his mind could manage. As you were digging through your closet for something suitable for yet another mission, your gaze fell on your old tactical suit. 'What's a better choice' You thought to yourself as you grabbed all the pieces. You would take your mask and goggles just in case. But, you likely wouldn't need them. Stealth wasn't usually needed for missions. There was no need to hide your face. Not when you were on the same team as a giant morpher and multiple members in showy suits. The smell of leather filled your nose as you wiggled into the suit. You then started to quickly pull your hair into double French braids. Hydra never bothered to cut your hair. They were more worried about you doing as expected in both the breeding and killing aspect. Your kills were nearly triple Bucky's. No one expects a woman to be a killer. When people think "Trained assassin" they think a man. Which was what made you so successful. You could play off of a mans need to feel powerful by being a 'please help me' girl.

You usually wore your hair down. It took you nearly five minutes to get the tight double French braids to stay. Even after braiding it, your hair was nearly to your waist. Most people would view this as a disadvantage. But, you used it to turn your hair into its own weapon. Your speed and strength made it possible for you to snap your head around and make your braids into what is essentially two whips attached you your head. Looking into your full-length mirror, You realize how different your own body looked inside the tactical suit. Like the suit itself was made for you, yet it didn't look the same as it did before. Or, maybe, you didn't. "Here's to hoping." You respond to yourself as the thoughts make their way into your mind. The only actual physical different between your appearance six months ago and now was the set of dog tags that constantly hung around your neck. They were the only piece of property you owned with your name on them. The only surviving piece of the life before you and Bucky became HYDRA's puppets. Before you two became the first living weapons of mass destruction.

In the past six months, you had slowly gotten used to being in limited control of your own mind. You and your boys were still navigating how to explain your triad to the rest of the team. But, you knew Tony at least suspected. The way he looked for Bucky when Steve was alone with you, or vice versa, gave him away easily. Steve was much more confident with his touches than he had been during the war. The years had been kind to him. He sure knew his way around now. Bucky had always known his way. But, now you got to see another side to him. A side that was brainwashed away for the past seventy years. You got to see his soft, caring side. The side that tucked you in tight before kissing your forehead. The side that made your favorite breakfast. The side that comes to your for comfort. The side that hugs you "just cause." You never wanted for anything now. Least of all affection.

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