First Kiss

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Summary: Dating Steve Rogers is nothing short of heaven. There's just one tiny problem, you want him to be your first kiss. But are unsure how to ask him.

The loud ringing of your cellphone woke you up from a deep sleep. You hadn't been sleeping well for the last week. Your boss was running you ragid. And on your first day off in weeks, you are woken up before the sun by your phone ringing. You were half tempted to throw the phone against the wall out of frustration.

That urge immediately left when your brain registered the words of the ringtone. Of course it's him. He calls you every morning to make sure you're up in time for work. As your eyes adjust to being forced open long before your body is prepared, you listen to the patriotic jingle as it floats through the air of your cold bedroom. 'Who will campaign door-to-door for America..... Carry the flag store to store for America? Who's here to show us we can? The Star Spangled Man -" The song is cut off when you finally answer the phone. "Stevie?" You ask into the phone. "How'd you know it was me?" He asked, confused. You let out a tired giggle at this. The fact that America's golden boy is still so behind the times proves that his team basically left him to his own devices.

You have never met the Avengers. If it wasn't for the constant news coverage, you wouldn't even know who 'The Earth's Mightiest Heroes' were. And you didn't even know who Captain America was until after a month or two of dating Steve. Until then, you just assumed he was stopped on the streets because he had a lot of friends or something.

"Don't laugh... if you laugh, I laugh. And I don't want to wake up the whole compound." Steve warns while he forces the start of a laugh back down. You take great pride in both your ability to see him as the real person he is (as opposed to only seeing him as a member of the Avengers) and how easily he is able to feel calm and safe with you. Despite your small size, he leans on you nearly as much as you do on him, just in a much less literal way.

After pushing yourself to sit on the edge of your bed, you finally answer Steve's question. "There's this thing on all phones called CallerID." You pause, assuming he was going to need to write all this in his cute little notebook. Your suspicions are proven correct when you hear the soft scrap of graphite on paper. "Okay....CallerID." Steve replies. "Yeah, CallerID. You save numbers into your contacts and then-" "Slow down, Dove. I can't write that fast." "Oh, sorry," You say before you can stop yourself. "Y/N." Steve softly warns. He hates that you feel the need to apologize for everything.

"This might be an 'I need to show you' type of thing." You explain. "Why don't you swing by sometime today, and I can help you?" "You're off today?" Steve asked. He then added, "I would've never called this early if i knew.... I'm so sorry." "If you're sorry." You pause for effect. "You should come over and spend the morning with me." You tease, making sure to make it obvious by your tone that you weren't actually upset. "I'll be there in a bit." He says excitedly before you hear a struggle, likely him fighting his way out of all the cute crochet blankets he admitted to cocooning around himself for comfort after you made bought them for him.

"Ok, I'll let you go so we can both get ready. I love you." As soon as you said it, your eyes bulged. You had obviously said those three words to each other in the year and ten months you had been together. But, this was the first time they slipped from your lips so easily. It was like you didn't even have to think about saying them. It was just so easy, so freeing, to openly love him. In your own panic, you hung up the phone before hearing Steve's reply.

After a quick shower, you put on a pair of black leggings and one of Steve's sweaters. The sweater hit past your knees, but it was worth it to be covered in his scent. The same scent that seemed to radiate off of him whenever he was nearby. After spending a few minutes attending to your normal morning routine, you also put a bit of makeup on out of instinct. Your mother always taught you that a proper lady has to always be put together when she is having guests over. That was also what made you cinch the waistline of the sweater with a thin belt.

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