Do What Now?

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You were the most successful plus sized model on the east coast. Likely one of the most successful, if not the most successful, in the entire US. That was how you made more than enough money to live the lifestyle that had become your normal. But, you were also a monetized YouTuber. You still made multiple videos a week for your loyal subscibers. The ones that were the main reason you got the attention of the modeling agency in the first place. It was the least you could do after they got your dream started.

You had been on YouTube since you were twelve. Some of your subscribers watched you grow up. Even more of them were around to witness your move from London to the US, after you had been hired by a prestigious modeling company. But, a select few were only subscribed now that your videos had the usual cameo of one of the Avengers that you shard living quarters with. No you weren't an enhanced. You were just dating one. The one that was only a couple years younger than your father. The one that turned green. Literally.

Since moving into the compound, your paychecks from modeling and YouTube have gone straight to your bank account. Tony Stark owned the Avengers tower and all the property associated with it. So, he didn't have a need for anyone living there to pay rent or bills. Life with Bruce was great. At lest in your little bubble. You receive the occasional nasty comment on your videos with him. But, that was par for the course when you had a social media presence as big as your own. Between YouTube and modeling, you were pretty much a family name. Everyone either knew you or knew of you.

"Bruce!" You call from the kitchen with your small camera well hidden from view. You had to use your older, much smaller one. If you used your professional set-up, it would give away what you were doing. The camera was pointed to be able to capture his reaction as well as you. "Comin' Honey." He called back from somewhere deep in the halls. Jarvis was the only reason you actually heard him. You sent a wink to your camera before schooling your face back to normal. You were doing the 'too much salt' trend. Where you purposefully oversalt a dish to see if your SO would actually provide constructive criticism. Or if they would lie to spare your feelings. All over the internet, people were using it as a gauge to see if their partner actually liked their cooking.

Bruce came into frame moments later, sweating and in his PT clothes. "I was just letting you know your training hour was up." You offer as you hold up a plate piled high with a veggie burger and French fries made form scratch using potatoes from the rooftop garden. The fries were the offending food. Covered with so much salt the there was no way Bruce wasn't going to notice. "And I made you lunch." As Bruce eyed the burger suspiciously, you realized that he assumed it was a 'real' burger. "Its a Boca burger." You offer as you push the plate into his hands. "Thank you love." Bruce answered as he sat at one of the stools connected to the breakfast bar. You turn your back to him as you start idly scrubbing at the dishes you had dirtied. "My love, you don't need to do that." Bruce was quick to correct. "We have a dish machine." And immediately after he finished his sentence you heard it. The cough signaling he had finally taken a bite of the fries. As he continued to cough, you turned around pretending to not know what caused the coughing fit. "What's happened? What's wrong?" You ask him as you rush to his side. After he took a sip of the sweet tea you had offered him form your mason jar, he was finally able to respond. "Please don't take this the wrong way." He pleaded as he looked you in the eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?" You ask, still keeping up your fake ignorance. "No, not at all it's just-" Bruce pauses as he tries to negate how to tell you. "I love when you cook for me. But, I think you may have lost the salt on the fries my love." He finally answers. "They're too salty?" You ask as you tilt your head to the side slightly. "Yeah, a little." He answers. "I'm sorry." You mumble out, trying to grab even more content. "Oh no, Baby. Don't apologize." Bruce says as he rounds the counter to pull you into a hug.

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