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"Funny isn't it? I gave her all of mine, but she gave me pain. I don't know what I've done with her until she treated me like that. I was sad, I was mad, I was disappointed. All that I wanna do it's just hate her, but I can't."


"How far I tried, how hard I tried, I constantly failed. I cannot ever hate her. She's everything to me. I just realized that my love outweighs my hatred."


"Lo pernah denger quotes 'bulan memang indah, tapi jangan pernah sekali-kalinya mencoba untuk menggapainya' gak, Cel?"


"Dia indah banget, Cel. Persis kayak bulan bahkan indahnya dia melebihi bulan."


"Kayak yang tadi gue bilang. Bulan indah, tapi dia lebih indah dari bulan. Bulan yang indah aja disukai banyak orang, gimana dia?"


"My relationship with Nicholas is fake. I don't really like him. All of this fucking situation is just a game."


"Aku sayang banget sama kamu, Cel."


"Aku juga sayangggg banget sama kamu. Maka dari itu aku lepas kamu. Mari berbahagia."


"Meskipun berat, tapi aku gak boleh egois. I let you go. Cari pasangan hidup seperti yang kamu mau. Berbahagialah, Alexandra Rachelle Laravie."

Hay, hay! This is my first story and I hope to enjoy reading it, guys...

You can call me whatever you want to call me, guys. I appreciate it ˃̵ᴗ˂̵

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See you in the next chapter, guys! <3

spread the loves 💗💗💗💗💗

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