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The day after he got back from saving Grover, and finding the Golden Fleece, (Y/N) had woke up to commotion outside. He got out of bed, and walked out of his cabin, and noticed everyone at Half-Blood Hill, next to Thalia's pine. Curious, he walks over to see what was happening, but what he saw was something he couldn't believe. Laying there, in Annabeth's arms, unconscious, was Thalia Grace. He wordlessly runs over to Annabeth, sinking to his knees next to her. He was too shocked to speak, but almost out of habit, he pulls out some ambrosia, and feeds it to the unconscious girl. After a few moments, her eyes flutter open.

(Y/N)'s heart skips a beat when his eyes lock with hers. Those eyes still had the same calming look they had had since they met. For a moment, (Y/N) was a little boy again, 10 years old, meeting Thalia for the first time. The only thing that snaps him back to reality was the voice of Thalia. The sound was still music to his ears.

"Hey there, you two... It's been a while..."

(Y/N) chuckles, and leans down, hugging Thalia. "I can't believe it... How are you still alive...? I watched you get killed... I watched the entire scene unfold... I sat there, and watched you get killed by the cyclopes..."

Thalia hugs him back. "It doesn't matter right now... All that matters is that I'm alive..." She smiles at him, the same comforting smile she had given him all those years ago. "And, don't worry, (Y/N)... I don't blame you, and neither does anyone else..."

(Y/N) isn't convinced, but he doesn't say that, instead just holding onto Thalia as if she would fade if he let go. Annabeth joins the hug for a few moments, before turning to a very confused Percy.

"Percy, this is Thalia. Thalia, this is Percy Jackson. He's a son of Poseidon." Annabeth introduces the two. The two wave at each other, and after a few moments, (Y/N) lets go of Thalia, his eyes wet from his tears of happiness. He wipes his eyes. He doesn't want to let go, but he knew that he couldn't keep holding on. Thalia would probably want some space after being a tree for 6 years. He knew his clinginess was probably weird to Thalia and the other campers, considering the fact they had hardly talked before she had been turned into a tree. He didn't care, though. He had blamed himself for 6 years. If he had just helped her fight, that wouldn't have happened. Thalia didn't blame him, though. So, he knew he shouldn't blame himself.

(Y/N) and Annabeth take Thalia on a tour of the camp, showing her all of the cabins, and other areas. After showing Thalia every other cabin, they arrive at the Apollo cabin, and he leads them inside, introducing Thalia to his siblings. Thalia looked around the room, taking in all of the details, as she had done with the other cabins.

-Time Skip-

Days later, it was the end of the summer. (Y/N) and Thalia both stayed year-round, as they had no homes to go to. That Friday, they had a game of Capture The Flag. It was the Athena, Apollo, Demeter, and Aphrodite cabins, against Ares, Dionysus, Hermes, and Hephaestus.

The Apollo cabin led the team. Thalia and (Y/N) were on guard duty. They had to stay by the flag and protect it. Luckily, the area they had put it in had an echo, which would help in the long run. Since he was the son of Apollo, who was also the God of Music, he had an ability. He could play music, and it could be used for offense, and for defense. He wanted to take the opportunity to show off a bit. He wanted to impress Thalia. He wanted to show her how much he'd grown from that kid she'd met so long ago.

After a few minutes, Clarisse emerges from the bushes, and he gets into a fighting stance, holding Sound Wave, in dagger form, in one hand, a shield in the other. He presses a button on his dagger, and it turns into a bass guitar. He had discovered that it could do that a few months after he joined camp. He starts playing the bass guitar in a very loud way. Sound waves are visible, and they knock Clarisse to the ground, causing her to hit her head on a tree, knocking her unconscious. (Y/N) knew it would be fine. She would wake up again in like 5 minutes, and everything would be okay.

Suddenly, Katie Gardner appears, the other team's banner in hand. (Y/N) smiles, and high-fives the girl. "I knew you could do it! I made the right call, letting you get the flag!"

Katie smiles back, and the rest of their team emerge before they are able to say anything else. They pick up (Y/N), Thalia, and Katie, carrying them off to the main part of camp, cheering. It was the first time in a while that a cabin other than the Athena cabin led, which made the victory even better.

When they get back, they head to the Mess Hall for dinner. After all of them eat, and make their offerings, (Y/N) has an idea, and stands up to ask Chiron something. "Chiron, would it be possible for everyone to get a day off tomorrow? I have an idea for a group bonding exercise!"

"What is it, (Y/N)?" The centaur asks, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"I was thinking of a camp movie marathon night! We all choose a few genres of movies, and the 5 most chosen genres will be the genres we watch, and then we do the same for the movies of each genre, until we have 2 movies in each genre to watch! That way, everyone should have a movie they want to watch, without the marathon taking multiple days!"

"That's actually a good idea. I'm sure everyone could use a break, anyway."

(Y/N) nods in agreement. "And, we could use it as a way to welcome Thalia."

"It's settled then. It would work out, as well. Me and Dionysus have to meet up with the gods tomorrow, so you could all have a day off."


1,032 words

Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! And yes, I am adding filler chapters, because I want to add more time for the reader to bond with Thalia, and it not just be a sudden thing that happens overnight! I'm planning on writing about the movie marathon next! At least,  a small part of it, since I don't watch many movies, so I'm not going to have many ideas on what they could watch!

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