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"Fuck it!" I curse and jump in the water

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"Fuck it!" I curse and jump in the water. I find Gianna at the bottom of the pool unconscious. Shit why didn't she swim up?

I grab her and start swimming upwards, when we are at the surface, I lift her up and place on the dry ground and climb out. She's cold as ice and she's not breathing. I panic and start pumping her stomach and chest to throw all the water out.

After more than three minutes her breathing returns and she coughs out water, gasping for air. I fall back taking a much needed breath and run my hand through my dripping hair.

She's shaking due to the cold. She looks around taking in the surroundings, her jaw ticks and she looks at me in the eye. I know her too well to realise what she's feeling, hurt and anger, she glares at me and finally asks, "Why did you... why did you?"

She kneels on her knees and grabs me by my collar and then screams, "Why did you save me? Why! I deserved to die. Why did you pull me out?"

I wanted to watch her in pain and fear, I wanted her to feel cold, not make her die, not so soon anyways. She fucking beat our asses in swimming, I knew she knows swimming way better than any of us.

"You are our whore. I will decide what, where and how to do with you." I remind her and her fingers leave my collar. She closes her eyes as if to calm herself and then opens them, there's no anger in them anymore.

"Of course." she says shivering and takes her gaze down on her wrist. There are marks on both her wrists, I have been stitched back together far too many times to realise what they are. She's slit her wrist multiple times. Some marks are new, just a couple of weeks old, some are old but not older than six months.

Jesus, what is this girl upto?

Slitting her wrists? Drowning? She really wants to die?

I grab her by her arm and pull her up with me to stand and then drag her towards the house, we take a couple of steps and then she winces in pain and stumbles forward, I catch her and pick her up in my arms. Instinctively, her fingers fist around the front of my shirt for support.

As we walk in, she looks up at my face, when I look at her, she looks away, still hurt that I saved her.

Fuck, this girl is maddening.

When we reach her room, I walk into the bathroom and start the warm shower. I keep her standing, she's still shivering, her eyes go to my wrist and she glances at the time. Pure panic coats her eyes as she says, "I need to go." and starts walking out.

"Where do you think you are going like this?" I ask her, holding her arm.

"I... need to go... please." she pleads. Gianna has never, I repeat never pleaded anyone for anything in the thirteen years that I know her. Knowing this is important to her, I decide to make her beg for it.

"No!" I tell her and the panic intensifies.

"Why?" she asks.

"Because I said so." I shrug.

Vengeance - A Dark Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now