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After telling them everything about the description of the man who tried to kill us two years ago, they promised me that they will try to find some lead on my baby

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After telling them everything about the description of the man who tried to kill us two years ago, they promised me that they will try to find some lead on my baby.

It took them three days to confirm that my baby is indeed at the Connor estate. Clay showed me her latest photos and my heart broke all over again by just looking at her. She looks so grown up, so big at the same time she is just a baby. Every time I look at her, I see Ezra smiling back at me, teasing me that the baby is going to look beautiful just like him.

Caleb showed me some photos of men to help me identify the man who killed Lily and Ezra. It turned out to be Ezra's paternal uncle. His own blood killed him. What I don't understand is why? But I guess I will never find the answer because he is already dead. He died right after Ezra and Lily in a car crash. That is what the world knows.

Tonight we are going to go get my baby. Cillian wanted to attack and kill everyone who tried to stop us but I cannot have more death on my conscience. There is no way I can let them kill Ezra's parents even after what they did. It was not their fault that his uncle tried to kill us.

I wanted Alexie, to know the truth, not that he deserved it but I wanted him to leave me and my child alone. There is no other way to make it happen other than telling him the truth. Clay wanted to kill him and honestly I shared the sentiments but for Lily's sake I can't. Living without Lily and Ezra is more painful than death.

Cillian and I wanted to sit Alexie down and make him understand what really happened and what we plan to do but Caleb and Clay literally spiked his drink and tied him down and beat the shit out of him because of what he did to me. Cillian thought that I wouldn't smell his bullshit, but I knew that he never wanted to talk with Alexie. They were all in on the plan only to fool me, again.

When we enter the Connor estate, no one stops us because Caleb called ahead and told Ezra's parents that he wanted to tell them something important about Ezra. They have no clue that I am coming along. And if they refuse to give my child back to me, the Irish mafia is on stand by right outside the estate the moment we enter safely they will takeover. One hundred and fifty seven soldiers to rescue my daughter.

Now that I think about it, I realise the men were right. Especially Caleb, I was an idiot to think that I could have pulled through on my own with two guns. There are atleast thirty armed guards outside. And I am glad I am not alone.

We step out of the car and Clay pulls out an angry Alexie out of the car. He looks at me with such anger that I almost feel guilty for doing this to him, but I know if I want my daughter back forever, he needs to know the whole truth.

We enter the house and find Ezra's parents Richard and Monica sitting on the couch waiting. The moment they see me, hatred overtakes their faces and I know this is not going to be easy.

"Richard, Monica" Caleb greets them and then their eyes snap to a restrained Alexie.

"What is she doing here?" Monica asks Caleb.

Vengeance - A Dark Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now