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"If she is insisting that she wasn't drunk, I don't think she is lying

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"If she is insisting that she wasn't drunk, I don't think she is lying. Maybe the reports might have messed up." Clay says as we sit in my office.

"The girl doesn't even remember anything because she was fucking wasted." Caleb argues.

"I know... but maybe it really is the head injury that made her forget the accident. We all know Cherry, she never lies." Clay says and the fact that he's making sense is fucked up. Gianna has never lied to us, not about something as serious as this.

But the reports in front of us state otherwise. Every fucking time I look at the reports, my heart breaks all over again for our Lily.

"You want to say that the reports are wrong? That Lily wasn't pregnant when Gianna drunk drove the car and slammed it taking away not two but three lives that night?" I spit as fury makes its way out. Clay shuts up as expected and Caleb shares my sentiments.

"There is no fucking way the reports are wrong. You and I we both know they are not. You are just fucking pussy whipped to think in that direction. The girl is playing you Clay, and now that she thinks she has you, Caleb she's trying to do the same with you. She fucking chose to hide from us for more than a year. Only a guilty conscience does that to you."

"The fuck she does. Her tears don't make me wag my tail like Clay, but I know we have her right where we want her to be. Keep this shit up for two more months and she'll end up just like we have planned." Caleb says.

"Fine. But you cannot loose your shit around her again. Make her believe that we believe her. Let her feel that she's heard and cared for. I don't care if you have to stab yourself afterwards to deal with it. But I want this to end and I want this to end soon." I tell my brothers because believe it or not, Gianna has the ability to crawl under your skin without you knowing. She's done that in the past with all of us, and this time I don't want to fucking give her a chance.

 She's done that in the past with all of us, and this time I don't want to fucking give her a chance

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"I believe you, Cherry" Clay says as he sits across me by the window.

"Thank you, Clay" I tell him. The fact that even one of them believes me is comforting.

Vengeance - A Dark Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now