Chapter 1

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15 years later...

Poppy, now 20 years old, looked down at her arm, she still carried the scar from that Bergen incident when she was a child. As she got older, her father and her friends began to notice the scar, she's had to come up with various excuses as to what it was so the other trolls wouldn't freak out. To her friends and father, she said that she injured herself while baking, and to the young children, she said it was a birthmark. Any mention of a Bergen would send the village into a panic, and she couldn't do that to her beloved people.

King Peppy: Poppy?

Poppy gasped covering her scar, she saw her father entering her pod.

Poppy: Hi Dad...

King Peppy: Everything okay, Poppyseed?

Poppyseed...that didn't get old, even though she was an adult now, she still loved hearing that from her father. King Peppy placed a hand on his daughter's cheek and she put on a forced smile.

Poppy: Yeah, yeah, everything's okay, Dad. I was just...thinking.

King Peppy: Feeling anxious about the party tonight?

Poppy: No, no, of course not!

Poppy picked up a blue hair tie and tied her hair into a ponytail.

King Peppy: Poppyseed, I'm your father, you can tell me if something's bothering you.

Poppy: Dad, it's okay, really...I have to go, I have a lot to do if this party's going to happen tonight.

Poppy kissed her dad's cheek and left her pod, but shortly after she did, she inhaled sharply putting her hands over her heart and falling to her knees.

Biggie: Poppy!

Poppy saw her friends arrive and they helped her to her feet.

Chenille: Are you alright, Poppy?!

Poppy: Yeah...yeah, I'm fine, I just had a dizzy spell.

But that wasn't true at all. See, Poppy carried more than just one scar, there was the physical scar on her arm, and the emotional scar in her heart, and every once in a while, it would hurt her badly enough that she couldn't stand on her own. The emotional and childhood trauma weakened and haunted her at the same time, and she's had to continue tolerating it. That's how it's been since the attack, that expression of mental wounds never healing was true. Even so, over the years, Poppy still pulled herself together and often lied, dizzy spell, minor fainting spell, light-headedness, that's what she would say to her friends if they saw her in that state.

Poppy: Guys, let's get this show on the road!

Poppy pulled herself together and pulled her cowbell out of her hair, striking loudly for the whole village to hear.

Everybody, move your hair and feel united, oh-oh

Everybody, shake your hair and feel united, oh-oh


Everybody's coming to the celebration

I'ma hook you up with the invitation

Let your hair swing and party with me

No bad vibes, just love you'll see

Do the d-a-n-c-e

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