25. Of Popcorn, Carousels, and Unanswered Calls

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Chapter 25: Of Popcorn, Carousels, and Unanswered Calls

The day of the football match was one of the most anticipated days for Bakugou. But for Midoriya, Uraraka, and Shoto, it was about bonding, movies, and a whimsical adventure in the carnival that followed. 

The movie theater was bustling with energy. Shoto, after his exam, seemed to have switched his "study mode" off, immersing himself entirely into the world of the film. Midoriya and Uraraka couldn't help but chuckle every time Shoto jumped during the suspenseful scenes or when he covered his eyes during the 'slightly' romantic moments.

During one such scene, Midoriya decided to have some fun. "Look, Todoroki," he whispered, pointing at the screen, "that's going to be you and Kacchan in a few days!" He snickered as Shoto turned as red as a tomato.

Uraraka joined in, teasingly, "Yeah! Just make sure Bakugou doesn't yell during your first date."

Shoto playfully swatted at them, but the teasing had already lightened the mood considerably.

After the movie, the trio decided to extend their outing to the carnival that was happening just a few blocks away. The evening was filled with laughs, cotton candy, and the inevitable carousel ride. Shoto, having a competitive streak, challenged the other two to a balloon dart game. With every missed shot, Midoriya and Uraraka would add a funny condition, like "If you miss again, you'll have to serenade Bakugou with a love song." Shoto would retort with, "And if I hit it, Midoriya has to wear that glittery unicorn headband for a week."

Uraraka, not to be outdone, managed to get both the boys to paint their faces with bright colors, making them look like characters out of a kids' show.

The day had been filled with giddy laughter, playful teasing, and the kind of fun that one cherished forever. But as the night settled in and they returned to the dorms, reality hit. Bakugou's side of the room was untouched. Concerned, Shoto took out his phone and dialed Bakugou's number. There was no response.

Midoriya, ever the optimist, said, "He probably got caught up with friends or maybe discussing the match. You know how he gets all riled up after a good game."

Uraraka nodded in agreement, "Yeah, he might be having his post-match ramen ritual!"

Shoto gave a half-smile, still a bit anxious. "You're probably right."

Uraraka and Shoto bid Midoriya goodnight and retreated to their rooms. Alone in his room, Midoriya couldn't help but laugh recalling the day's events. Shoto's shock at the movie, his embarrassment during their teasing, and the ridiculous face paintings. It was, undoubtedly, a day to remember.

As Midoriya lay in bed, his last thought before drifting off was the hope that Bakugou was okay and that tomorrow would be another day full of laughter and fun.

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