40. Fragments of Forgotten Promises

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Chapter 40: Fragments of Forgotten Promises

From Shoto's perspective:

The sterile white corridors of the hospital felt cold and uninviting. I sprinted through them, my heart pounding loudly, almost drowning out the distant sounds of monitors and hushed conversations. The sight of  bakugou's parents Mitsuki and Masaru, sobbing inconsolably on a nondescript bench, sent a chill down my spine. Fear, anxiety, and guilt battled within me.

Masaru's voice, though weak, brought my frenzied pace to a halt. "Shoto," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, eyes red-rimmed from tears. But before I could respond, Mitsuki's anguished cry cut through, her eyes filled with anger and hurt. "Look at what has become of my son! Because of you!!"

Her words, each laden with pain and accusation, hit me like a tidal wave. The sinking feeling intensified when she continued, "Katsuki raced through the rain, on that wretched bicycle, to meet you.. He said you were waiting for him, and he couldn't break your word. We warned him about the rain, about the danger, but his determination was unwavering. He wanted to show you how much he had improved ! And look where it has landed him!"

The gravity of what had transpired hit me like a tidal wave. Bakugou, who had always been so full of life, was now fighting for his own in a cold, unfeeling hospital room. The guilt was a sharp pain, piercing through my very core. Not just for doubting him earlier but for being the cause of his current state.

Mitsuki, overcome by a mix of sorrow and anger, approached me. Her voice trembling with a mix of pain and fury, she spoke, "You, Shoto Todoroki... you're a curse. I don't care if my son loves you, but he doesn't deserve the pain and suffering you've brought into his life. You aren't worthy of him."

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. I wanted to defend myself, to explain, to do something to lessen the weight of the guilt that was threatening to crush me. But Masuru's next words silenced any attempt.  Masuru, in an attempt to calm Mitsuki, whispered soothing words in her ear. "Shoto," Masuru started, his voice choking up, "Katsuki... he doesn't remember much from before the accident. He's lost chunks of his memory, and... and he doesn't remember you."

My heart, which was already weighed down by guilt, felt as if it had been ripped out. My vision blurred, and I could barely distinguish between my tears and the wetness of the rain-soaked clothes on my body. The world seemed to stop spinning. The noise around faded. My worst fear had come true: Bakugou had forgotten me. Every shared smile, every stolen glance, every touch - all erased.

 The pain was indescribable. The very thought that Bakugou, the one person who had stood by me when no one else did, couldn't remember me, was unbearable. And even worse, realizing that I was the cause of it all.

The weight of their words pressed down on me. I felt the overwhelming urge to scream, to cry, to do something to alleviate this crushing pain. But all I managed was a choked sob, my eyes brimming with tears. Mitsuki's words, though harsh, carried the raw pain of a mother's heartbreak.

As I stumbled out of the hospital, the rain began to pour, mirroring the turmoil in my heart. Bakugou's smiling face, our shared moments, the joy, the love, all seemed like distant memories, now overshadowed by pain, guilt, and regret. The rain blurred my vision, or perhaps it was my tears; I couldn't tell. All I knew was that the world I had come to cherish was falling apart, and there was nothing I could do to save it.


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