35. Unraveling Threads of the Past

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Chapter 35: Unraveling Threads of the Past

The hallway seemed to extend endlessly as Shoto, driven by a mix of jealousy and desperation, made his way towards Bakugou. Each step felt heavy, burdened by the weight of unspoken emotions and surging adrenaline. Bakugou's animated conversation with the girl only added to the tension building within Shoto.

Without thinking, Shoto approached Bakugou from behind, wrapping an arm possessively around him and pulling him close. His voice, although soft, carried a hint of assertion as he whispered, "Who is this, babe?" before leaving a lingering kiss on Bakugou's neck. The sudden display of affection, combined with Shoto's audacious attire—or lack thereof—caught both Bakugou and the girl by surprise.

The girl, her cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink, took a moment to collect herself. Smirking at the flustered Bakugou, she said, "I'll see you later, Bakugou," before making a hasty exit.

Bakugou, now completely red-faced, immediately pushed Shoto into the room, his voice a mix of indignation and concern. "Put some clothes on!" he exclaimed. "How dare you present yourself in front of a girl like that? I should be the only one seeing you this way."

Instead of responding, Shoto, overwhelmed by the emotions of the moment, pushed Bakugou gently onto the bed. Their eyes locked, and in a second, the gap between them closed as their lips met in a passionate embrace.

Pulling away slightly, Shoto finally posed the question that had been gnawing at him, "Who was that girl, Bakugou?"

Taking a deep breath, Bakugou began to explain. "She approached me saying she knew me from middle school. And the odd part? She mentioned being happy to see both of us, you and me. It puzzled me because as far as I can recall, you and I never crossed paths in middle school. I felt something is missing. So, I thought maybe she might help jog some of my problems, and I decided to stay in touch with her."

Shoto's eyes widened in realization. Pieces of a forgotten past started to align in his mind. He offered Bakugou a tender smile, gently patting his head. "I'll explain everything when the time is right," he promised, "But for now, please don't investigate further. You should take care of yourself."

Bakugou, trusting Shoto implicitly, simply nodded, nestling into Shoto's embrace. The tumultuous events of the day gave way to a peaceful night, the two of them wrapped around each other, finding solace in shared warmth and unspoken promises.

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