26. Revelations and Recognitions

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Chapter 26: Revelations and Recognitions

The classroom was filled with the usual morning chatter. As Midoriya entered alone, Uraraka and Shoto immediately noticed Bakugou's absence.

"Kacchan's resting today," Midoriya said, answering their unspoken question. "He looked beat when I woke up."

However, the consequence of the previous day's worry for their friend manifested in an unanticipated way during classes. As the lessons droned on, one by one, the trio dozed off. Midoriya's head bobbed, Uraraka's went limp against the table, and even Shoto, usually so poised, leaned back with closed eyes.

Their teacher was less than pleased. "Ochaco Uraraka, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki! If you wish to sleep, perhaps you should consider a bedroom instead of my class!" he barked, causing other students to snigger. The trio jerked awake, sheepishly muttering apologies.

When the lunch bell finally rang, signaling their escape, they quickly exited the room, leaving behind the whispered gossip of their classmates. The UA cafeteria was bustling as usual. As they grabbed their trays, Shoto hesitated.

"I feel like I haven't properly talked to Bakugou in ages. I'll go see him now, clear the air a bit."

Midoriya nodded, appreciating Shoto's initiative. "That sounds good. I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

Uraraka added, "A heart-to-heart might be what both of you need right now."

Their discussion was interrupted by a classmate, a girl named Yuki. "Uraraka, the principal wants to see you," she informed them.

Uraraka's face paled, her appetite vanishing instantly. "Did he say why?"

Yuki hesitated but finally whispered, "I overheard the art teacher talking about some controversy with your drawings and Momo."

Midoriya and Uraraka exchanged worried glances. "Let's go," Midoriya said, lending his support.

In the principal's office, they found the art teacher Ms. Ayumi, who had a keen eye for recognizing true talent. She turned to Uraraka. "I've been hearing rumors that Momo's highly praised artwork was actually yours. To settle this, I'd like you to draw something for us now."

Uraraka hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of everyone's expectations. But then she took a deep breath, remembering her recent victories, both in friendship and in standing up for herself.

As she began sketching, the room fell silent, with everyone's eyes fixated on the paper. With every stroke and shade, a beautiful image emerged. An intricate portrayal of a phoenix rising from the ashes, symbolizing her own journey of overcoming challenges and rebirth.

Ms. Ayumi watched with barely concealed admiration. Once Uraraka finished, the teacher approached, inspecting the drawing closely. After what felt like an eternity, she nodded, a proud smile on her face.

"This is phenomenal, Uraraka. Your skill and emotion are evident in every line. There's no doubt in my mind that the previous artwork was yours."

Uraraka blushed, overwhelmed with the recognition she had been denied for so long. Midoriya beamed at her, proud of his girlfriend.

The principal chimed in, "This matter will be looked into further, but for now, thank you, Uraraka, for sharing your incredible talent with us."

As they exited the office, Midoriya turned to Uraraka. "You were amazing! I knew you were talented, but that... that was something else."

Uraraka laughed, "Thanks, Izuku. It feels good to be acknowledged for my work finally."

And as they walked back, they realized that sometimes facing the truth head-on was the best way forward.

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