Chapter 3

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Gabriel drops me off at the library that's just down the road from the music store where he's taking the guitar lessons. Wandering the huge two-story library, lightly brushing my fingertips of my left hand over the bindings of the books I pass. Finding the section on Ancient Egypt, I look over the available books, and decide on three books to borrow. I love learning and reading about ancient cultures, mummification, etc. I find a book about Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, and the Latin language.

Wandering up to the checkout counter, giving the older woman a soft smile as I place the books on the counter; "May I check these out, please?"

"Do you have a library card?" she sweetly replies, while opening the front of one book where she can stamp on the index card thingy.

"I have issued from the state," I whisper, pulling my battered wallet from my back left pocket to give her my library card I was issued when I went into the foster care system.

She takes the card with an understanding smile because the state issued library cards are given to foster children when they enter the system, so no matter where we are in the state, we can check out library materials. She scans the bar code on the back of the plastic card before scanning the bar codes on the inside of the books. Once she's scanned each book, she stamps the books with the return dates before handing me the books and library card with a smile.

"Have a wonderful rest of your day," she warmly says, and I return the sentiment.

Leaving the library, deciding to walk down to the music store to wait for Gabriel to finish his lesson. He said his lesson is two hours, and I've been gone only thirty minutes. I figured I'll look around the store for a while before reading the rest of the time.Quietly entering the store, glancing around, loving the sights of all of the instruments, sheet music, band and singer t-shirts, guitar picks, the register at the counter, a person at the counter, and people wandering the store.

Smiling to myself as I slowly wander to look at the items, and stop at a beautiful, dark metallic blue electric Fender guitar. Gently moving the hanging price tag on the neck of the guitar to find the price which is $799.99 plus tax. Dropping my hand, knowing I won't be able to afford this until I'm at least eighteen when I have full access to the money my maternal grandparents left me in their will that's in a saving account. Besides, even then, I probably won't buy this or anything like this because I'll have other things to buy than a pretty guitar.

"Can I help you with anything?" a voice from behind me asks, and I jump, not expecting anyone to talk to me while I'm here.

Turing to face the person, whispering; "No, thank you. I'm just looking around while I wait for someone to finish his lesson."

The guy frowns at me, looking me up and down before his eyes land back on mine; "Who are you waiting for?"

"Um, I'm waiting for Gabriel Carr," I whisper, shifting nervously on my feet because he's starring at me, and he's taller than me, and extremely muscular.

"How do you know Gabe?" he demands, causing me to shrink further into myself as I hold the library books in front of my chest as if these can protect me from him.

"Thad! Back away from my new foster brother!" Gabriel's voice calls out from behind us.

Breathing out a sigh of relief that Gabriel's here now. He quickly joins, standing slightly in front of me to face this 'Thad' guy as they stare at each other.

"You've got another foster kid?" Thad asks Gabriel before looking at me again in what I can only descirbe as disgust.

"Yeah, he cane to us this morning," Gabriel replies with a frown at the guy in front of us. "What's your problem, Thad?"

"Don't your parents think that five kids that are teens no less, are too many?" Thad states, crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

"Don't make me kick your ass, Thad," Gabriel growls, crossing his arms over his chest, and raises his eyebrows. "Just because we're friends doesn't mean I won't kick your ass. What my parents do in their own home is none of your fucking business. Now, apologize to my brother."

"Gabriel, he doesn't have to apologize to me," I nervously whisper, shifting nervously on my feet. "I'm not worth an apology from him or anyone else."

Both men look at me in confusion as Thad says something I didn't expect; "I'm sorry for being an asshole to you. I'm just protective of my friends."

"Understandable because Gabriel seems like a great guy," I murmur, staring down at my feet, worried that I've caused a problem in their friendship. "Please don't argue with each other because of me."

"We aren't, Hunter, don't worry, okay?" Gabriel gently says, wrapping his right arm around my shoulders to pull me into his side with a gentle squeeze.

"Um, if you'll just tell me how to get back to your home, I'll walk there, so you can finish your lesson, and talk with your friend," I whisper, looking up at Gabriel nervously.

"Nope, that's not necessary, my lesson is done already," Gabriel firmly states. "My instructor had a family emergency, so she had to leave early."

"O-okay, thanks, Gabriel," I whisper, nodding in appreciation.

"Anytime, Hunter," he grins down at me before he stops smiling when he looks at his friend. "See you later, Thad."

"Later dude," Thad replies before looking at me. "Sorry for scaring you, Hunter."

Gabriel guides me from the music store with his arm still secured around my shoulders. When we reach his car, we climb inside, and he silently drives us back to his home.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble with your friend, and between the two of you," I tearfully whisper, picking at the hem of my shirt.

"Hey, no," Gabriel instantly says. "Thad's a little rough around the edges, but he means well. He's protective of those he loves and holds dear to his heart."

"I haven't felt that in a couple of years," I sadly whisper, thinking of my mama. "It must be nice."

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