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Two years have passed since Reid and I were adopted, and Gabriel, Reid and I are being dropped off at our college dorms early this afternoon. The three of us were accepted into the same college that is located three hours away from home, and Reid and I are rooming together, and Gabriel is two dorms down from us on the left with a roommate. Gabriel won't tell us who his roommate is though, all he will say is that we know him. Gabriel's going to become a juvenile parole officer, Reid's going to become an architect, and I'm going to become a child psychiatrist.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Thad and I have been dating for the last year and a half. We casually dated for six months after the adoption before we decided to officially start dating exclusively. Unfortunately for the next four years, we won't be attending the same college because he wasn't accepted into this college. He's attending a college that's two hours north of here, so we'll visit each other one weekend a month while we're in college. I know we're sad about this, but there isn't anything we can do, but try and make it work.

"Alright, boys, here we are," mama says tearfully as we stop in the hallway in front of Reid and my dorm.

"Mom, please don't cry," Gabriel sighs with a slight frown as he shifts the straps of his backpack on his shoulders, and shifts uncomfortably between his feet. "We're gonna be home in a couple of weekends."

"I know, but we're still dropping off three of our babies at their dorm rooms," she sniffles, and she sounds like she's trying not to sob harder. "My babies are growing up too damn fast for my liking. You'll need to stop growing up so damn fast on us."

"We'll try to slow down on our getting older," I reply, trying not to laugh at her because I know she's hating that three of her five children are moving out on their own, and I know dad doesn't like it either.

She nods with tears still streaming down her face, and she sniffles again as Reid and Gabe unlock our dorm rooms. I let out a loud gasp when Thad walks out of Gabe's dorm room with a huge smirk on his lips.

"Thad!" I squeal, not giving a shit of how I sound, or what I look like at the moment as I drop my bags, and launching myself into Thad's muscular body.

He stumbles back a couple of steps, wrapping an arm under my ass, and the other wraps around my back as I wrap myself around his body, and tuck my face into his neck. Breathing in his scent from his warm neck, I can't help the loud laughter that bubbles up from my belly, and out of my mouth. He returns the laughter as he kisses me on the side of the head.

"Hello, little one," he softly greets, giving me a soft squeeze. "I assume that you're happy that I'm here?"

"Happy?" I loudly ask in wonder. "I'm fucking ecstatic! I'm not impressed that you kept this hidden from me, but be prepared to be prepared for me to bug you every free moment that we have."

Everyone softly laughs at me, and I can't help but laugh along with them, and Thad does, too. Sliding down Thad's body until my feet land flat on the floor, I grin up at him which he returns as we wrap our arms around each other.

"You boys better make sure you're attending classes, and doing your homework," dad states seriously, and Thad and I quickly agree that we won't be screwing around while we're here.

Four years later, the four of us are graduating college with our degrees, and Celeste and Blake are two years into their college experiences. Today is graduation day for the four of us, and I'm nervous because starting next Monday, I'll start working with a professor at his psychiatry practice here in town. I'm going to have the next three days to move into the new three bedroom apartment that I'll be sharing with Thad, Gabe and Reid.

Thad and I are sharing one bedroom because we're dating, Reid and his boyfriend of two years are sharing one bedroom, and Gabe is sharing the last bedroom with his girlfriend of three years. Reid's boyfriend is named Axel Greene, and Gabe's girlfriend is named Autumn Morgan. Mom and dad paid the security deposit, and first month's rent on the apartment for us, and after we're on our own between the six of us.

"Baby, we need to leave," Thad says, entering my dorm room where I've been getting dressed for the graduation ceremony for the last forty-five minutes.

He, Reid, Gabe, Axel, and Autumn have been ready to leave for the last thirty minutes, and they've been waiting not so patiently for me. I know I've irritated the hell out of them, but I'm nervous about actually being an adult now, and being in front of a bunch of people to receive my diploma.

"Sorry, I know I'm holding everyone up," I mumble when Thad and I enter the living room, and the others are waiting by the door, and they tell me that it's fine, but I know it isn't.

Four hours later, the graduation ceremony has finished, and I'm searching the sea of graduates for Thad, Gabe, Reid, Axel, and Autumn. Finally finding Reid, I carefully make my way over to him, and finally reaching him several minutes later with a soft sigh of relief. Reid gives me an excited smile when he notices me next to him.

"We finally did it, Hunter!" Reid cheers, grabbing me to pull me into a tight embrace, and I softly agree to his statement into his warm skin at his neck.

I'm pulled away from Reid's body by warm, strong arms, and turned into Thad's muscular body, and I can't help the loud giggle that escapes me. Thad tilts my head up and back slightly as he connects our lips together in a slow, deep kiss that last for several minutes.

"We made it, baby," Thad softly murmurs against my lips, and I hum in agreement, not caring that we kissed in front of several thousand people.

Our parents and grandparents eventually find all six of us, and they congratulate us, and picture taking happens for the next fifteen minutes or so before we leave the building for a restaurant for a celebration dinner.

Another four years have passed, and we all have settled comfortably in our professions, and Thad and I have moved out of the shared apartment for our own apartment. Reid, Axel, Gabe and Autumn also have moved into their own apartments.

Thad and I are in the process of adopting a set of siblings - 2-year-old Kara Ann, and 5-year-old Kyler Andrew. Kara and Kyler's parents were abusive and neglectful of the children. Their parents lost custody of them when they were one and four, and wouldn't do what they needed to regain custody of their children. Gabe and Autumn have a child of their own - 3-year-old Asher Gabriel. Reid and Axel are having a baby girl in two months through a surrogate, and they're naming her Robin Marie. Celeste is dating a man named Robert Wilson, and Blake is dating a man named Blaze Robertson, and both have graduated from college, and are living with their boyfriends.

Life started out rougher for some of us, but has gotten much better over time. I couldn't be more thankful for my family, and the road my life has taken. I hope that everyone in the world has their happily ever after like I have received.

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