Chapter 7

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Monday morning rolls around, and we're up and moving by six-thirty because school starts at seven-forty-five. We're having an easy breakfast this morning, Mrs. Carr words, not mine because we're leaving early to get me registered for school.

"Kids, let's head out!" Mrs. Carr calls from the kitchen where the front door is located.

The five of us join her a few minutes later with our backpacks on, and she has a thick manilla envelope in her left hand along with her purse, keys, and cell. The drive to the school in her red Dodge minivan is only ten minutes, and Celeste and Mrs. Carr talk the entire ride. Gripping the strap of my new backpack that was bought for me yesterday along with new school supplies .

"We'll make sure you'll be fine, I promise," Reid murmurs to me as we arrive at the school parking lot, and Mrs. Carr parks the van.

Silently nodding at him as the six of us climb out of the van, and start for the front door. I honestly expected the other four teens to head off to their lockers, and see their friends before classes start, but they join us in the office.

"Good morning, Mrs. Carr. I see you've added a new member to your family," the guy behind the desk greets warmly as he smiles at all of us. "Who do we have here?"

Mrs. Carr hands the envelope over to the man with her own bright smile, saying; "His name is Hunter James, and yes, he's our newest family member. All of his information and transcripts are in the envelope."

The man nods while taking the envelope, opening the flap to pull out all of the paperwork. He scans over the provided information for a moment before looking up at us.

"Very impressive transcripts, Mr. James," the guy says with a bright smile as he looks at me in what I think is awe along with a bright smile. "You're sixteen and a twelfth grader who should be taking freshman college classes."

Everyone turns to look at me in awe, and I thickly swallow, and slowly nod at what the man said being true.

"Well, let me show your transcripts to the principal, Mr. Williamson, and see what he says about this," the guy says, moving from behind the counter toward a closed door.

"That's Mr. Weston, he's cool," Blake quietly tells me with a soft smile, and I nod in understanding.

Five very long minutes later, Mr. Weston returns with an even larger smile toward me; "Mr. Williamson said that you can be enrolled in college courses today, and start those a-sap. The school's gonna pay for the classes, the fees, and the books, okay?"

"Really?" I squeal louder than I've spoken in months. "Can I please do this, Mrs. Carr?"

She gives me a bright smile, and a nod; "Of course you can, Hunter! This is an awesome experience for you!"

Widely grinning at her before focusing my attention on Mr. Weston who says; "We'll get you registered from your information in the envelope, get your books ordered and delivered here, the fees paid, and we'll do this once school has started here. Here's your locker number and combination, and when we've finished enrolling you for college, I'll show you around the school, okay?"

Slowly nodding at him, Mrs. Carr leaves after telling me that she's proud of me, and so are my foster siblings. They leave the room for their lockers, and Reid and Gabriel give me bright smiles before they leave. My anxiety spikes at being left alone with someone I don't know even if he's a school employee who had a background check done on him.

"Come on, let's get you enrolled in college," Mr. Weston grins, motioning me over to a table by the door, and I sit on the edge of the chair, and wait for him to come back with a laptop. An hour and a half later, I'm fully enrolled in four online classes at the local community college. I'm going to be taking English, Math, World History, and World Religions. These classes start next week Monday, and the books will be shipped here to the school, and in the meantime, I'll be doing an independent paper that will be worth an entire year's worth of class credit. My written project is to be based on my experience of being in the foster care system. The paper needs to be seven pages long with a few other criteria. I'm also going to be helping out in the office with things that I can do for Mr. Weston and Mr. Williamson.

"Alright, lunch is in forty-five minutes, so why don't we walk the school, and I can show you everything you need to know," Mr. Weston says with a grin.

"Yes, sir," I whisper with a nod as we stand up to leave the office.

Mr. Weston frowns slightly at me as we leave the office to wander the school. The building is two levels tall, and there is an elevator and two sets of stairs. Forty minutes later, Mr. Weston takes me to the cafeteria, and I find Blake and Celeste, and Mr. Weston leaves me with them.

"Hi," I whisper in greeting to them as the three of us walk over to the food line to grab our lunches.

"Hey dude," Blake and Celeste greet back, and we grab empty metal trays to get our food.

They grab burritos, a fruit, and a soda, and I grab a slice of pepperoni pizza, a fruit cup, and a soda. Paying for our items, we head to a round table with six chairs, and we sit down together. Looking around the room as people wander inside, and some are chatting with their friends, grabbing food, and what-not. Gabriel and Reid join us about five minutes later with their own filled trays and drinks.

"Siblings," Gabriel greets with a light chuckle, and a large grin.

Tilting my head off to the left slightly at him including me in his comment. To me that's strange for me to be included as his sibling when I've only been at his home for three days as of today.

"Yes, I include you as my sibling, even though you've been with us a short time," Gabriel says when he notices my tilted head and facial expression.

"Why?" I whisper with raised eyebrows, and I see Reid look at me with raised eyebrows.

"To me it doesn't matter how long you've been, or will be with us, you're my sibling," Gabriel replies with a warm smile that makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Clearing my throat, speaking louder than a whisper; "Thanks, Gabriel, I appreciate this."

They look at me in shock, but Reid is proudly smiling at me.

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