Chapter 10

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Adoption morning finally rolls around, and I'm seriously thinking that I'm gonna sweat through my damn long sleeve shirt, and feel like I'm gonna barf everywhere. I don't know how Reid looks so calm.

"Why aren't you freaking out, too?" I whisper to him as I pour myself a cuppa coffee after he's poured himself a cuppa.

Reid looks at me oddly; "I'm freaking out on the inside, I've just learned how to mask my emotions on the outside."

My frown deepens at his reply, whispering; "Can you teach me how to do that, please?"

"Hunter, it isn't bad to be expressive," he softly sighs, turning toward me. "You're allowed to have emotions, and express those emotions."

Shrugging my shoulders once, not bothering to answer, moving my eyes away from his to focus on our future siblings talking with each other a few feet from us. Watching them laugh and interact playfully with each other.

"They'll treat you like that, too, if you let them," Reid softly says, gently bumping his shoulder into mine with a grin down at me.

Biting my lower lip as I continue to watch the three of them goof-around together.

"Alright, family, let's head out," Mr. Carr cheerfully calls, clapping his hands together once, gaining everyone's attention.

The seven of us leave the house with Mr. Carr locking the door behind us, and he drives the minivan to the hospital, and we head inside. Staring at the brick building in front of us with anxiety, and I jump slightly when someone grabs my right hand into their left. Looking over to my right, I find Reid is the one that's holding my hand, and he gives me a reassuring smile. Giving him a weary smile, and inhaling deeply before willing my feet to move forward with Reid.

"We need to be in Family Court," Mrs. Carr softly informs us, and that's the courtroom we head to.

Everyone walks inside the room silently, and we sit in the second row to the front. Mrs. and Mr. Carr enter the row first, then Gabriel, Celeste, Blake, Reid and then me. This entire time, Reid refuses to let go of my hand, and I'm not complaining. Gripping his hand tighter, we wait for court to start, and this happens twenty minutes later, and a lot of people have entered the room. When the door opens one more time, I don't pay any attention to the person or people that are entering the room until the others in my room turn to smile at the people.

My eyes widen in shock when I notice Thad, Mr. and Mrs. Carr's parents sitting down in the row behind us. I didn't realize that they had invited others to this adoption, and my anxiety spikes at their presents. Not so much to the grandparents, but more so because of Thad. They greet all of us, and I dip my head down to avoid any eye contact from them, or invite any of them to speak with me.

"Hello, Hunter," Thad's deep voice greets from right in front of me. "Are you excited about being adopted?"

"Y-yeah," I murmur with pink tinted cheeks, still avoiding his gaze by looking at the back of the bench in front of me. "Um, t-thanks for being here for Reid, and the rest of the family."

"You're welcome, and I came for you, too," Thad softly replies, and I can feel my blush deepen even more.

"T-thanks," I whisper, wondering why he'd come for me when it's been obvious that he doesn't like me.

"I like you, Hunter, and I'm sorry for giving you the impression I don't," Thad whispers in my left ear after I'd turn around to face forward again.

Frowning to myself, wondering if I had spoken my thoughts out loud, he just softly chuckles as the court clerk enters the room. My nervousness skyrockets at their presence, and the judge enters after the court clerk announces them.

"Welcome everyone to adoption day," Judge Watkins loudly greets with a warm smile. "This is my favorite part of my job."

Softly smiling at her statement as she settles herself in her chair.

"The first adoption on the docket is Reid Matthews and Hunter James," Judge Watkins states, reading our names off the sheet.

Thickly swallowing against the forming lump, I stand up along with Reid, and Mr. and Mrs. Carr, and we walk toward the front area of the judge. Reid subtly reaches over to grasp my right hand in his left hand, and gives me a gentle squeeze which I return.

"Hello, how is everyone this morning?" she sweetly asks, and the four of us answer that we're doing good. "Well, it states here that Reid Matthews and Hunter James wish to be adopted by the Carr family, is this correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Reid and I answer at the same time, and she nods in acceptance before asking which one we are, and we tell her who we are.

"Well, gentlemen, I have read through your files, and the only question I have for you both," she continues with a neutral expression. "Would you like to change any of your names?"

"Yes, ma'am, I'd like to change my last name to Carr, but keep my middle and first names," Reid answers.

"I'd like to change my last name to Carr, also, ma'am," I murmur, but clearly enough for her to hear me, well, I hope I do this.

She silently nods, writing down our answers on the paper in front of her with a smile that she turns to us; "Are there any siblings or family members here that would like to join them?"

We turn to face the rest of the family, and they join us, and I was absolutely shocked when Thad did too. He stands directly behind me, and I can feel the heat radiating off his body, and I cannot think clearly with him so close. Reid grins at me briefly, then glares at Thad for his proximity to me before focusing on the judge again.

"By the power invested in me by the state, I hereby grant your adoptions approved," Judge Watkins states clearly and loudly while bringing down her gavel; "Congratulations Hunter and Reid, you're officially Carr's. Your new birth certificates will be mailed to you within two weeks."

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