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Waterlily's heart beated a little faster as she stepped in line with her ThunderClan clanmates, the rhythmic sound of their padding paws resonating through the forest. The familiar scent of the woodland surrounded her, blending with the earthy fragrance of the other Clans as they congregated for the Gathering. Her keen gaze swept over the assembled cats. She spotted her usual spot with the medicine cats and made her way down the hill and to her old friends. She sat next to Mudfur and greeted him with a slight nod.

"How has ThunderClan been?" He meowed with a slight rasp.

"Well, we have a lot going on." Waterlily spoke carefully. "I can explain it after the Gathering." She mewed as she glanced over at the high branches.

In the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the canopy, Firestar's distinctive ginger pelt caught her eye, his authoritative presence commanding the attention of the gathering cats. "Let the meeting begin." He glanced over at Tigerstar and kept his green gaze on Tigerstar's amber eyes. Tigerstar dipped his head, letting the ginger tom to go first.

"Whitestorm is dead." He began.

Gasps of shock rippled through the Clans, while ThunderClan sat with their heads hung low. Firestar then continued. "But he was murdered." 

Horror shot through the crowd of cats. Mutters of disbelief whispered in a few different directions. Waterlily kept silent and flicked her tail nervously as she listened to what Firestar would say next.

"We have found out that Shadowheart is to blame. I have banished him. He is now a rogue and to never return. He is dangerous." He finished.

Waterlily looked down at her paws and closed her eyes tightly for a few moments, then opened them as she glanced around at the other cats. As the tension in the clearing lingered, some cats exchanged troubled glances, their expressions a mix of concern and uncertainty. Waterlily could sense the unease that had taken hold, each cat struggling with the news of Shadowheart's banishment.

"Graystripe is my deputy now." Firestar finished with a rasp.

"Graystripe, Graystripe!" Yowled the Clans.

Graystripe sat with his head held high, but Waterlily could see that he was still struggling to accept Whitestorm's death. Firestar then dipped his head to the next leader and took a step back. Tigerstar took a step forward and began to speak with pride. "Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw. Where are they?" He hissed, turning to Firestar.

Firestar kept his angry gaze, making sure to not show any signs of weakness, "They will be staying here. They were born here and will be raised here."

Tigerstar narrowed his eyes flexed out his huge talons. "I gave you clear warning." He growled, and raised his neck fur.

Firestar stood his ground and narrowed his eyes as well. "I know," He growled in return, "and I've made my decision."

Waterlily watched as the two leaders bristled their back fur and glare at one another. She was ready to step in in case a fight broke out at the truce of the Gathering, but Leopardstar stepped in between them. "We cannot fight." She hissed, looking at both leaders briefly. "We cannot afford to spill blood at a truce, especially during leaf-bare." She then glared at Tigerstar.

Tigerstar flattened his ears and looked away, knowing she was right. "When it is new-leaf, I expect them to switch Clans. If you still refuse by then, I will claw you to shreds." He threatened.

Waterlily kept her gaze on Firestar to see if he would say something in return, but he just dipped his head in acceptance. Waterlily bristled her fur in anger. Why wouldn't he say anything? But then a thought terrified her even more. Perhaps that's what Firestar wants Tigerstar to think. 

Leopardstar puffed out her chest and she began to speak with pride. "We have two new apprentices, Mothpaw and Hawkpaw"

"Mothpaw, Hawkpaw!" The shouts of cats rippled through the crowd, RiverClan being the loudest. Mothpaw puffed out her chest and sat straighter as she heard her name being called.

Leopardstar then silenced the cats with a wave of her tail. "Prey is scarce, but with new-leaf on the way soon, the river will thaw and we will have our fish back." She dipped her head to Tallstar. The tom rose to his paws, his long limbs stretching almost as tall as Tigerstar that sat beside him. 

"We scented ShadowClan in our territory." He began with a furious hiss. "You do not have our permission to hunt on our lands." 

ShadowClan looked at one another as if they were trying to see if anyone would deny or speak up about the accusation, but everyone was silent. 

Tigerstar rose to his paws. He tried to look taller, but didn't match the depth of Tallstar, though Tigerstar could clearly win in this battle. "I will not sit here and let you accuse me of stealing prey. I have asked you to stand with me as one, but you have refused."

Firestar then rose to his paws as well. "We will draw this Gathering to a close." Then he jumped down with ease. He flicked his tail to ThunderClan and he led them a few fox-lengths away from the crowd of cats. Tigerstar reluctantly hopped down and led his Clan up the hill and back to ShadowClan camp. Leopardstar followed. Tallstar was the last to jump down, and Firestar padded up to him, slowly. 

"We must form an alliance." He whispered, hoping Tigerstar, nor Leopardstar heard him. 

Tallstar raised his head in confusion. "I will not be like Tigerstar and..."

Firestar raised his tail to interrupt him. "I do not wish to form the same kind of alliance like Tigerstar," He corrected him, "I want to fight against him. I think if we come together, we will be stronger."

Tallstar sat down and thought for a while before finally dipping his head. "Alright. Meet me here at claw-moon." 

Firestar nodded in agreement and the two leaders dispersed. Waterlily longed to talk to her medicine cat friends, but the meeting drew to a close so fast, she had no time to explain anything about Shadowheart and his treacheries. She would have to wait till the half-moon to tell them and she feared that he might try to join another Clan by then.

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