Chapter Eighteen

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Willowbreeze gazed out across the moonlit river, her thoughts swirling like the water below. Ever since Shadowheart had been accepted into RiverClan, her emotions had been a mix of hope, and fear at the same time. As she watched the moon's reflection dance on the surface of the water, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her heart. She loved him, but something felt wrong.

"Willowbreeze, are you alright?" A black tom asked, padding up to her with almost silent pads.

Willowbreeze flinched from the sudden mew that cut through her thoughts. She jerked her head, bristled her fur and let out a small hiss. "Oh, it's you." She hissed a little less annoyed trying to hide her embarrassment. "You scared me, Shadowheart."

Shadowheart purred with amusement as he neared her and sat just a tail-length beside her. He stared out into the distance before finally saying something. "I just saw you all alone and thought you could use a friend."

Willowbreeze's fur softened as she turned her gaze to Shadowheart, her heart warming at his words. "Thank you," she murmured, dipping her head in gratitude. Despite the doubts that plagued her mind, she couldn't deny the comfort she found in his presence.

Shadowheart's green eyes softened as he looked at her, a hint of concern flickering in their depths. "Is something bothering you?" He asked gently, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Willowbreeze hesitated, unsure whether to confide in him. But the look of sincerity in Shadowheart's eyes melted away her reservations, and she found herself opening up to him for the first time in moons. "I can't shake this feeling of unease," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Ever since you joined RiverClan, things have felt... different." She remembered the words Leopardstar had told her. Life will not be the same for you with Shadowheart here.

Shadowheart nodded in understanding. He padded closer to her, and pressed himself against her soft flank, offering silent support as they watched the river side by side. For the first time, her thoughts left her momentarily and she felt like they were finally together. She closed her eyes let her mind wander as she felt his close to her.

A distant smell lingered in the air. Shadowheart opened his eyes and looked around. He could see or hear anything. Not a moment later, the sound of rustling leaves caught his attention and he quickly crouched down and laid his ears flat. Willowbreeze followed suit and they both peered through some tall grass.

A dark figure emerged from the shadows, and as it stepped into the moonlight, Willowbreeze gasped. Shadowheart glanced at her with confusion. "What's wrong?" He whispered.

"Tigerstar is here." She watched as he headed into camp with a sense of urgency. She straightened herself up and followed in soon after him.

Shadowheart blinked in confusion again. "Why is here?" He whispered, racing after her.

"Only StarClan knows." She whispered with a shrug.

Cats crowded around the highledge as Tigerstar heaved himself up. Shadowheart glanced around. No one else seemed confused as to why he just waltzed into RiverClan acting like he was their leader. Leopardstar padded up behind him. She whispered something Shadowheart couldn't hear. Tigerstar then cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Cats of RiverClan," Tigerstar's voice rang throughout the crowd of cats. "I have come to discuss matters of great importance."

Shadowheart's ears twitched as he leaned forward slightly, his gaze fixed on Tigerstar. He remembered him, but only just. He was just a kit when Tigerstar was banned from ThunderClan. All the stories he heard, made him feel uneasy.

"As many of you know," Tigerstar continued, his eyes sweeping over the assembled cats, "ThunderClan and WindClan are still not working with us, and I gave Firestar plenty of time to reconsider.

A low growl rippled through the Clan, a collective expression of anger and defiance. Shadowheart felt a shiver run down his spine. Was he planning to attack ThunderClan? The thought of having to fight made his heart race with fear.

"We will not stand by while our enemies plot against us, as I'm sure that is what they're doing," Tigerstar declared, his voice ringing with authority. "We will strike first and show them the strength of RiverClan and ShadowClan together as TigerClan."

A chorus of fierce yowls rose up in agreement, the cats of RiverClan ready to fight. As Tigerstar outlined the plan for battle, Shadowheart listened intently, committing every detail to memory. He wanted to tell Waterlily of his plan.

The meeting was adjourned and Shadowheart turned to Willowbreeze. They exchanged a couple of blank looks at one another, but Shadowheart wasn't sure she would side with him to tell Waterlily of Tigerstar's plan.

"Willowbreeze," he whispered tentatively, "I think we should tell Waterlily about Tigerstar's plan. She deserves to be informed, especially considering the danger it poses to ThunderClan."

Willowbreeze's expression was unreadable as she considered his words. Shadowheart held his breath, waiting for her response. He knew that their relationship had been strained at times, but he hoped that she would see the importance of honesty and transparency in this situation. Willowbreeze looked down at her paws, then back up Shadowheart. "I guess it's only fair because you came from ThunderClan that you want to warn them." She mewed softly once everyone was out of ear shot.

Shadowheart felt a wave of relief wash over him. She was on his side after all. "Thank you, Willowbreeze." She purred.

"But," she meowed, looking into the distance, "we would have to play it in a way that Firestar doesn't suspect that you have anything to do with it. He still thinks you're a prisoner."

Shadowheart opened his jaws to reply, but he saw Tigerstar coming up to the two of them. Willowbreeze seemed to have noticed his sudden change in emotion and she turned to face Tigerstar as he approached them.

"You are new here." He meowed, coolly, glancing over at Shadowheart.

"Oh, I'm Shadowheart." He mewed, dipping his head in respect to the old leader.

"You seem familiar." He slightly narrowed his eyes.

Shadowheart tensed. Did he remember the time Waterlily brought him into the Clan? Shadowheart shrugged, trying to hide his unease. "I was just a kit when you became leader." It was half true.

Tigerstar blinked a few times in silence, then dipped his head. "I believe I remember you." Then he padded away toward Leopardstar.

Shadowheart took a deep breath in relief, though he still had no idea what he meant when he said, I remember you.

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