Chapter Seven

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Shadowheart stood with his eyes wide in fear. He had forgotten how massive Bone was. He puffed out his chest and spoke carefully. "Have you seen Scourge around?" 

"No." He shook his broad head. His battle scars glittered as old wounds were resurfaced not too long ago. 

Shadowheart slumped back down and sighed with frustration. 

Bone watched with amusement, then sat down, wrapping his skinny tail over front paws. "Come. I'll show you where you can wait for him." He then beckoned him with the tip of his tail.

Shadowheart followed, his head still low in disgust that he traveled all this way to no luck. Bone led him to a steep and narrow path that went beanthe the gorge. His scrawny tail, flicked to and fro as the path winded around through some dark tunnels into the stone walls. Shadowheart could barely see a whisker-length in front of him and relied only on his scenes of touch to navigate through the darkness. Once he reached the light once more, he squinted from the bright sun shining down onto him. 

"We're nearly there." Called out Bone.

Shadowheart softly scoffed. Did he think he was useless? He trotted a little faster and kept his balance as they traveled down to a steep hill of rocks. Bone guided Shadowheart through the twisting passages until they arrived at a small den nestled within the gorge. The entrance was concealed by overhanging ferns and a low-hanging rock, offering an appearance of seclusion.

"Here is where you can stay. Scourge should be here within a couple of days. He usually resides here, but he is off hunting as of now." Bone explained. 

Shadowheart dipped his head in thanks then padded inside. It felt cold and dreary as he entered, but it would have to be suffice enough if he wanted to talk to Scourge.

"If you need to hunt, you can go back up where you came. There's not much to offer, but you'll be satisfied." Bone meowed, then kept going on his way down the gorge. 

"Thank you!" He shouted after him as he watched him leave with ease down the stony pathways. He could feel his paws ache and he longed for Waterlily's medicine supply or knowledge that would normally help him. He laid down and rested his head on his paws, looking out into the distance. He was to wait a long time. 

The sun peeked through some clouds and shined brighter into Shadowheart's eyes. It made him want to close his eyes, but he resisted not wanting to accidentally fall asleep during the day. The sun was then hidden behind some clouds once more. He gathered all of his strength to head back up to get some something to eat. But then a small bird landed on the open area a few fox-lengths in front of him. He positioned himself slowly into a hunter's crouch, not taking his eyes off the small chaffinch. He crept slowly, hoping his black pelt would be like a shadow to the bird.

The bird lifted its head and looked around. Shadowheart froze, and kept his gaze, making sure not to make even the slightest sound of breathing or twitching. The bird then went back to pecking at the small pebbles below its feet. Shadowheart crept again, getting closer to the bird. It noticed his presence and leaped into the air as fast as it could, but Shadowheart was too fast and caught it with one swift jump. 

"Very well caught." Praised Bone, padding back up to him. 

Shadowheart dropped his catch and purred with delight. "Thanks." He closed his eyes and thanked StarClan silently. Thank you, StarClan for this easy catch and your blessings you have given me on this journey. He reopened them and began plucking out the feathers with delicate bites, then spit it out beside him.

Bone remained silent and looked out into the distance as if he was lost in thought. His contemplative silence hung in the air, mingling with the distant echoes of the gorge. As Shadowheart observed the massive tom, a chill raced down his spine. His fighting skills were probably very keen.

As Bone remained lost in contemplation, Shadowheart returned his attention to the small catch at his paws. Once he was finished, he began to clean himself. Licking his front paw, he carefully swiped it across his face. His tongue's rough texture caught on bits of stray feathers and dirt. He spat it out next to him, and then continued to wash it between the pads of his paws.

When he finished washing himself, he noticed that Bone was gone. He then padded to the edge of the gorge and looked around, seeing if he could see Bone anywhere, or even Scourge, but he was still much too high up to see even the faintest signs of movement at the bottom of the gorge.

The solitude settled over Shadowheart like a familiar cloak. He dismissed thoughts of Bone, realizing that he had grown accustomed to being alone. With a final glance over the gorge's edge, he turned away. The stone walls rose tall, a barrier between him and the world below. He padded along the narrow pathway, the only sounds the soft echoes of his own steps against the rocky terrain. He wanted to see what else was hidden between the gorge.

The stony walls, marked with the scars of time, towered overhead, casting a cool shadow on the ground. Each step echoed softly, a rhythmic beat against the stone.

With the fading light casting elongated shadows across the gorge, Shadowheart's curiosity sparked as he watched Bone's silhouette disappear around the rocky bend. There was purpose in his steps, and the dark-furred rogue seemed to be guided by a hidden agenda.

Intrigued, Shadowheart thought to follow him, but hesitated and decided not to risk it.

Shadowheart stood alone, the fading light casting narrow shadows across the rugged rocks. An air of uncertainty lingered, and he wondered if some secrets were best left undisturbed.

As the last remainder of daylight surrendered to the night, Shadowheart turned away from the puzzling path and retraced his steps. The gorge, now shrouded in darkness, harbored its secrets, and he, for the time being, was content to let them rest.

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