Chapter Fourteen

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Waterlily watched as Frostfur disappeared into the nursery. She couldn't help but feel guilty about her accusation, but she wasn't backing down. She knew that Shadowheart was the cat she saw in her dreams.

She dreaded going to the Moonstone, but if it meant knowing the truth, it would hopefully be worth it. The canopy overhead filtered the sunlight, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. She kept her gaze fixed on the path ahead, her thoughts only weary on what would come of all this.

With each step, Waterlily felt the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon her. The air felt thick as Waterlily neared the Moonstone. She could feel the ancient calling out to her, its presence a tangible force that pulsed in the very air around her. Though she had walked this path many times before, each journey to the Moonstone brought with it a sense of reverence and awe.

Doubt washed over her as she entered the cave. She felt something brush past her and her eyes grew wide. Nothing was around her. She blinked in confusion. Did StarClan know she was coming? She trekked faster inside and stopped in her usual spot where she lay during half-moon. She closed her eyes and touched the wall with her nose. Stars swirled around and the ground changed beneath her paws. She opened her eyes and glanced around. She was not in StarClan. She desperately looked around, in hopes to find where she was, but she felt lost and hopeless the more she lingered there. Her breath began to slow, and she could feel her throat tightening. 

"Waterlily?" Meowed a voice from behind her.

Waterlily jumped and quickly whirled around. Though she recognized the voice immediately, it made her freeze in fear as she stared at a tortoiseshell and white she-cat standing before her. She shook her head to clear it. "Spottedleaf." She finally mewed, dipping her head. "Where am I?" She added, looking around Spottedleaf to see where she had come from.

Spottedleaf licked her paw, then spoke softly. "This is a dark place no cat should ever wander." She licked her chest. "Come on, follow me." She added flicking her tail. 

Waterlily followed with her head hung low, wondering exactly what that place was. She didn't dwell on it once she got back to the familiar grounds of StarClan. Her breath became normal once more, and she lifted her head, taking in the sweet scents of herbs around her. 

"Shadowheart has come back?" Spottedleaf stopped and turned her head, looking over her shoulder.

Waterlily stopped and flattened her ears. "Yes," She mewed,sitting down and not able to meet Spottedleaf's amber gaze, "I-I don't know what to do." She stuttered, not even knowing what to say.

"Trust him."

Waterlily blinked then looked up at Spottedleaf with wide eyes. "Trust him?"

Spottedleaf solemnly nodded, then wrapped her tail over her front paws as she sat down.

Waterlily shook her head in denial. "How can you trust him? You're the one who gave me the sign," she paused, shuffling her paws, "aren't you?" She could feel herself fading and beginning to wake up. "No, Spottedleaf, please tell me more!" She shouted, but she was only met with silence. She opened her eyes and narrowed them with anger. How could StarClan say that? She stayed crouched down for a good long moment, then finally got to her paws. The journey back to camp felt much longer than normal. The sun's ray shined down onto her back, making her feel hot and sticky once she arrived into ThunderClan territory. 

"Waterlily, you've returned!" Purred Cinderpelt as she padded up beside her. "We were beginning to be worried." She admitted.

Waterlily met her with silence, still thinking of what she would tell Firestar and Leopardstar. Cinderpelt must have noticed she was deep in thought, for she slipped away into the warriors' den as she passed by. Waterlily padded onward towards Firestar's den. She could feel some eyes locked onto her as she came up to the slope and called out his name.

"Waterlily? Is that you?" Firestar called out.

"Yes, it's me," she replied softly, meeting his worried gaze. Settling down in front of him, she took a moment to gather her thoughts, the weight of her news heavy on her heart.

"Well, what news?" Firestar prompted eagerly, his whiskers twitching with anticipation.

Waterlily hesitated for a moment, the words caught in her throat as she struggled to convey the message she had received. Spottedleaf's cryptic words echoed in her mind, as if it was some sort of quest she had to figure out on her own.

"Spottedleaf says to trust him," she finally murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air between them, laden with uncertainty and possibility.

Firestar's fur bristled with fury. He rose to his paws, his green eyes blazing with anger. "Trust him?" He spat, his voice laced with disbelief. "After all he's done? That traitor doesn't deserve our trust."

Waterlily flinched at the intensity of Firestar's reaction. She knew the pain and loss that Shadowheart's actions had caused, but she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to his story than met the eye.

Firestar paced back and forth, his agitation evident in every tense movement. "Leopardstar is not to know." He declared. "We can't afford to let RiverClan harbor a murderer."

Waterlily bit back a protest, the words burning on her tongue. "What should I say then?"

Firestar stopped pacing and looked down at his paws. "I guess that he is not to be trusted." His voice almost sounding like a question.

Waterlily narrowed her eyes. She couldn't lie to RiverClan. But she couldn't argue with Firestar either. She closed her eyes and dipped her head in agreement, "very well." She mewed, then padded over to her den. She laid down and rested her muzzle on her paws. Her eyes stayed open, wide awake. The thought of lying not only to RiverClan, but Shadowheart made her whiskers tremble. She shook her head. "I can't do it." She whispered. She looked up at Firestar's den. "I'm sorry, but I must listen to my heart Firestar."

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