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Annette was driving down the familiar road, her car radio playing her favorite Spotify playlist as she reminisced about the pastor's sermon from the previous Sunday. The soothing messages of faith and hope provided her with a sense of peace as she continued her journey. However, her tranquility was shattered when a call came in from an unknown number.

Startled, Annette picked up the call. It was one of her colleagues from RaJa Hospital, his voice trembling with urgency. He explained that there was a critical emergency at the hospital, and they needed her expertise and immediate assistance.

Annette, fueled by her commitment to her patients, knew that time was of the essence. She muttered her mantra, "Service to humanity is like service to God," and stepped on the gas pedal to reach the hospital as quickly as possible.

The road became a blur as Annette's car accelerated, weaving through traffic. She was intent on saving a life, putting her faith into action. But in the midst of her rush, an unexpected disaster struck. Her foot pressed on the brake pedal, and nothing happened. Panic set in as she tried to regain control, but the car was hurtling toward a lorry in front of her.

Desperation and fear overwhelmed her, and the last thing she saw was darkness.

At the scene of the accident, chaos reigned. People gathered around the mangled car, their voices filled with concern and fear. The once calm road had become a place of distress. Annette's body was battered, her leg gruesomely injured, and her head bore the marks of the impact.

She lay unconscious, her life hanging in the balance. Someone dialed 911, and passersby helped Annette, calling for an ambulance. The agonizing minutes felt like hours as they waited for the siren's wail.

The ambulance arrived, its red and white lights flashing. Annette was carefully loaded into the vehicle. Jack, who was on duty that day, recognized her immediately. With a trembling voice, he made a call to Damien, his best friend, informing him of the dire situation.

Damien's heart sank as he heard the news. Without hesitation, he rushed to the hospital. The corridor leading to the emergency unit was crowded with worried faces, each reflecting the concern he felt.

Rose received the call, and it was like a punch to the gut. She couldn't believe her friend was in such a grave condition. She joined the group at the hospital, and they shared their fears and worries.

Annette's parents were already on their way, anxiety and fear gnawing at their hearts. They arrived at the hospital, and it was a tearful reunion, but no one was allowed to see her. She remained in a coma, her body battered, and she needed time to recuperate. The uncertainty weighed heavily on them all.

In the shadows, Pedro watched with satisfaction. He knew that he had tampered with Annette's brakes, and his deception had succeeded. He had even called Annette, impersonating a colleague to ensure Annette's fate would be sealed.

A sinister smile crept across his face. Pedro was one step closer to achieving his dark desires, even though it meant leaving Annette in a comatose state. The stage was set for the next phase of his malicious plan.

In the dimly lit hospital room, Annette lay in her coma, surrounded by the love and prayers of those who cared deeply for her. Five long days had passed, and still, she hadn't stirred. Her parents, her mother's eyes filled with tears, held her hands, speaking to her with unwavering faith.

"Annette, you are a fighter," her mother whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You've overcome so much in life. We trust in you, and we trust in God, who is with you, protecting you."

Her father nodded in agreement. "Yes, sweetie, God is your shield. You have the strength to pull through this. We believe in you."

They sat by her bedside, sharing stories of her childhood, the moments that had shaped her into the strong young woman she had become. Each memory was a plea, a plea for her to wake up, to return to them.

Soon, it was Rose's turn to be with her best friend. She grasped Annette's hand and choked back sobs as she spoke.

"Annette, you've always wanted a big teddy bear," Rose said, her voice quivering. "Well, I'm here for you, as your teddy bear and I promise to buy you one. We'll get through this together. You're going to heal, and we're going to create even more incredible memories."

Damien, who had been fighting his own battle with depression, approached her next. He took her hand in his and spoke with a quiver in his voice, revealing the depth of his feelings.

"Annette, I miss you more than words can express," he said. "You've helped me in ways I can't even begin to describe. I wish I'd been there with you that Saturday night. We haven't even had our first kiss yet, and I don't want to imagine a world without you. Please, don't give up on us. You're a fighter, and I believe in you."

Pedro, lurking in the shadows, reveled in the pain and suffering of those who cared for Annette. He wished for her to perish, believing that everything was going according to his sinister plan. Unbeknownst to him, Annette's resilience and the fervent prayers of her loved ones were stronger than any evil intentions.

Rose couldn't contain her sorrow, and Jack, her friend and party companion, offered comfort and a shoulder to cry on. Annette's accident had sent shockwaves through their lives, a stark reminder of how fragile life could be.

Amid the heartache and fear, her parents took time off from work to be with their daughter. Their devotion was unwavering, and together they formed a circle of love and hope around Annette, waiting for the moment when she would awaken from her coma.

As Damien stood beside Annette's unconscious form, his heart was heavy with the weight of his own struggles. Her accident had cast a dark shadow over his life, and his depression had reared its ugly head once more. The thought that he could lose the person who had become so important to him was unbearable.

In those lonely hospital corridors, Damien found solace in prayer, a practice he had never been particularly inclined towards. He bowed his head and whispered to the heavens, seeking strength and guidance. He prayed for Annette's recovery, for her to wake from her coma, for her to smile at him once more.

Each prayer was a plea, not only for Annette's well-being but also for his own. He implored a higher power to give him the fortitude to keep fighting his inner demons. He felt a newfound faith in the power of prayer, a faith that had grown since he started his journey into spirituality with Annette.

While the darkness of depression loomed over him, he remained strong for her. He would stand by her side, he promised, and do everything he could to help her through this ordeal. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, one that mirrored the faith he had found through the challenging journey that had led him to Annette.

The battle against depression wasn't over for Damien, but he had learned the importance of facing it head-on. For Annette, for himself, and for the love they were beginning to discover, he would keep fighting.

[To be continued...]
Hey loves writing this chapter was a sad experience ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ but Pedro is sick he also needs help but before that he will create some more chaos.


Hey loves hope you are enjoying the story so far

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QUESTION: What's your favorite holiday?

MY ANSWER: Summer holiday.

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