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Rose had triumphed over her partying lifestyle, a personal battle she had long fought. It was a victory that had been made possible by the unwavering support of her cherished friends, Annette, Jack, and Damien, who believed in her every step of the way.

Alongside her friends, Rose had leaned on her faith, trusting in God's guidance, and she had spent countless hours in prayer. Her parents had stood by her side, offering their endless love and strength, while her therapist had provided her with the tools to overcome her challenges.

Through this shared journey of self-discovery and transformation, Rose had emerged stronger, ready to embrace a brighter future. It was a victory not only for herself but also for those who had always believed in her.

Rose and Jack had shared a profound moment a while back when they confessed their feelings for each other, guided by the advice of their best friends, Annette and Damien. Their deep connection had grown even stronger, paving the way for a life-changing dinner date.

Jack had carefully chosen this moment to propose, ensuring no confusion clouded the reader's understanding of their beautiful journey. They sat together in a cozy, dimly lit restaurant, anticipation filling the air.

Jack: "Rose, there's something I've been wanting to ask you for a while... something I've been feeling in my heart."

Rose, her eyes filled with love: "What is it, Jack?"

Jack, a nervous but heartfelt smile on his face, got down on one knee and held out a small velvet box, revealing a gleaming engagement ring. His voice trembled with emotion.

Jack: "Rose, will you marry me?"

Tears of joy welled up in Rose's eyes as she looked at the man who had captured her heart and soul.

Rose, her voice trembling with emotion: "Yes, Jack. Yes, I will!"

Jack gently slid the engagement ring onto her finger, sealing their commitment with a tender kiss. In that tender moment of commitment, Rose and Jack shared a kiss that held the promise of a lifetime together. Their lips touched with a gentle, lingering desire, igniting a passion that had grown within them over time.

As they kissed, the world around them seemed to disappear, fading into the background. They were locked in an intimate exchange of love, a silent vow sealed with each breath they shared. Rose's fingers gently traced the contours of Jack's cheek as she tilted her head, deepening their connection.

Their mouths moved together in a dance of tenderness and affection. The kiss was a testament to their unwavering love and their shared dreams. Time lost its grip on them, and in that moment, there was only Jack and Rose, basking in the pure, unbridled affection they had found in each other.

It was a kiss filled with the promise of tomorrow, of a life intertwined, and of dreams fulfilled. They pulled each other closer, feeling their hearts beat in harmony, and it was as if the universe itself had conspired to bring them together in this perfect moment.

In the midst of their happiness, they shared the exciting news with their best friends, Annette and Damien.

Annette: "Oh, my God, Rose! I can't believe it. You and Jack are engaged! This is incredible!"

Damien, equally thrilled: "We're so happy for you both. Congratulations!"

They all agreed that Rose and Jack could get married first then Annette and Damien.

As they entered the whirlwind of wedding preparations, Rose and Jack felt their bond grow even stronger. Their relationship was further enriched, and they couldn't wait to embark on the journey of marriage together.

Annette and Damien also celebrated their friends' joy while solidifying their own relationship. Damien had made impressive strides in conquering his depression, finding comfort in their shared faith. Their shared gym sessions were more than workouts; they became moments of connection and admiration.

As they gazed into each other's eyes, Annette and Damien experienced a magnetic pull, drawing them into a tender, soul-deep kiss. It was a kiss of commitment and promise, cementing their deep connection and unwavering love for each other.

Their faith, love, and open communication had transformed them, paving the way for a promising future together.

Pedro, on the other hand, was working on building a healthier relationship with Bianca, focusing on his career as a lecturer. With the support and encouragement of their friends, he was progressing in his journey towards redemption.

With the glow of their engagement warming their hearts, Rose and Jack, along with the unwavering support of Annette and Damien, set forth on their journey of wedding planning. The excitement and enthusiasm were contagious, igniting their dreams and hopes.

Jack's parents, Mark and Sarah, couldn't have been happier. Their joy was palpable as they sat down to discuss wedding details with the newly engaged couple. Mark: "We'll be there for whatever you need, Jack, Rose."

Sarah, equally eager: "And we'll help with the planning and preparations. This is such an exciting time!"

Over a lovely dinner, they chatted about potential venues, themes, and the guest list, transforming the dining table into a conference table of wedding ideas. Rose's parents, Lisa and Daniel, were equally delighted when they received the news. Family gatherings turned into joyful discussions about the upcoming wedding, with ideas and suggestions pouring in.

The bride-to-be, Rose, couldn't be more thrilled to plan her wedding. With Annette as her trusted confidante, she began shopping for dresses, exploring wedding gown styles, and sharing intimate details that only a best friend could understand.

Their shopping spree led them to find beautiful bridal gowns that left them in awe of the possibilities. Rose: "I want something classic, elegant, and, most importantly, something that feels like 'me.'"

Annette, her eyes sparkling: "We'll find the perfect one, Rose."

At the same time, Jack was tackling the challenges of selecting the right tuxedo with Damien, who was more than willing to share his insights. Jack: "I want to look my best for Rose. It has to be special."

Damien, nodding: "We'll make sure it is, Jack."

Balancing their daily routines and work, Rose, Jack, Annette, and Damien kept their focus on the wedding preparations. They visited potential venues and met with wedding planners to discuss themes, décor, and every tiny detail that would make their special day unforgettable.

Annette and Damien, in between their own wedding planning, supported Rose and Jack wholeheartedly. They accompanied them to meet with vendors, sharing in the anticipation of the upcoming celebrations.

The best friends, now with their respective weddings on the horizon, became a strong, united team, weaving threads of support and joy into each other's lives. They cherished every moment, knowing that this time was precious and filled with love.

As they navigated through the intricate process of wedding planning, they couldn't help but feel the magic of love and devotion surrounding them, making their journey even more remarkable.

Hey loves I wanted Rose and Jack to marry first then we save the best of last.

I wish I had a best friend like Annette ;(

*** Hey loves
Hope you are enjoying the story we got like 10 more chapters left

Anyway question of the day
MY ANSWER: I would want to be wonder woman I guess:)

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