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In Seong now sat next to Hye In, dragging the knife against the floor. Everyone around him was quiet, mourning the death of Seon Yeong, having to see two of their friends die before their eyes. In Seong knew that no one blamed Hyun Soo for killing Seon Yeong, there was nothing else he could do. She was going to kill Eun Hyuk if Hyun Soo didn't jump in. In Seong knew that Hyun Soo didn't want to kill her, he had no choice.

But now Jung Seop had Hyun Soo.

"She's really going to die this time." Seung Wan said.

"Shut up, you idiot." Two of the other men arrived back after attempting to locate Yi Kyung. "Where the hell have you been?"

The man from earlier who found Ji Su stopped, turning to face the others. "Shut your trap. Your breath stinks." In Seong turned his head, seeing the man leaned down next to Yu Ri. "You smell of disinfectant. You'd better go over there. The patient's in bad condition. I think she might die soon." In Seong's heart sunk. Yu Ri didn't give it a second thought; she got up from the circle with Gil Seob's protests.

In Seong closed his eyes, trying not to think about what was happening to the ones away from them. He couldn't let his mind go any darker than it already was. He placed his head into his hand. Hye In gave him a nudge, not uttering a word. He lifted his hand up to tell her he was fine.

In Seong's head snapped upward when a gunshot rang out. He turned suddenly, seeing Yi Kyung jumping from one of the vents next to the armored truck. "Hurry." She said. In Seong got help from the other residents to stand up. He leaned on Byeong Il's shoulder as they hurried away from the lobby. However, they were stopped by one of Jung Seop's men.

"I knew this would happen!" He shouted, pointing his gun at the residents. Jin Ok was pushed and shoved until she was facing the residents, right in front of the man.

Yi Kyung pointed her weapon at him. "Drop your gun." She ordered.

"Should we make a bet on who can kill more people?" In Seong jumped when the man shot one of the residents. The residents screamed around him. "The side that's more scared should surrender! Drop your gun." Yi Kyung refused. "Drop it, you bitch!" Yi Kyung lowered the gun and dropped out. In Seong moved away from Byeong Il, looking over at Seung Wan and Byeong Il.

In Seong whistled to distract the man from hurting Yi Kyung. As soon as the man turned, In Seong lunged at him while Byeong Il and Seung Wan grabbed his arms. The knife that In Seong was holding onto was now sticking out of the man's eye. In Seong was kicked backward as the residents screamed and scattered as In Seong wrapped his arm around his stomach.

He reached down into his boot as Seung Wan and Byeong Il struggled with the man. "Fuck this." In Seong flipped out the knife, spinning it around. "Byeong Il, Seung Wan! Push him up against the wall!" In Seong ordered, limping his way over to them. In Seong grabbed the gun, pressing it up against the man's chest. Bullets were flying above In Seong as the three of them shoved the man up against the pillar.

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