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Ratchet opens the space bridge, the others ready to leave. The kids had school so they (un)fortunately won't meet anyone.

Ratchet joins the others.

"::Should we even tell them about Optimus being missing?::" Bumblebee beeped. "Only if thry ask." Ratchet answered, he definitely didn't want to break the news to them all. The four of them enter the space bridge, ready to face the challenge they had to face.

Finally they made it to other side, the sun was coming over the horizon was blocked by a humongous ship.

A lone Autobot was waiting outside the ship, acting as a guard probably. "Who is that?" Bulkhead asked. Ratchet squints his optics to get a better look. "Oh no..." Ratchet mumbled, realizing who it was.

"Anyone but him..." Ratchet groaned. The others look at him with confusion. "Who is that?" Arcee asked. The Autobot noticed the Autobots and screamed. "HEY, HEY, OVER HERE!" He yelled, waving to them.

"This idiot will get himself killed one day, I swear." Ratchet grumbled, walking towards the ship. The others followed one by one.

"Hey, First Aid..." Ratchet greeted. First Aid gasps. "Teacher Ratchet, is that you!?" He asked. Bumblebee and Arcee share a look while Bulkhead looked dumbfounded.

"Teacher?" Arcee asked. Ratchet groans again, nodding. "Yes, I am a teacher to very unteachable students." Ratchet said. "Hey!" First Aid said, offended.

"First Aid, are they here yet?" A voice asked over First Aid's comm. "Oh yeah, just let down the uhh- the door and I will escort them in." First Aid said into his comm.

A few seconds later the entrance bridge lowers allowing them access inside.

This was the most high-security ship Bumblebee and Arcee ever saw. Bulkhead seen saw tech like this hundreds of times in his wreaker days. Ratchet basically built a ship like this so this wasn't anything new.

First Aid steps into a different room and presses a bunch of buttons. This was a decontamination room. Smoke sprays down form the ceiling.

After a few moments they hear a beep and the wall goes up. "Alright, come, Sentinel is very impatient." First Aid rushed them. The four follow him, relieved that he hasn't asked about Optimus yet.

In a few minutes of what seemed like endless twists and turns and ups and downs and loops and loops and loops, oh, and I did mention loop and twists and turns and ups and downs and loops? They reach a huge door, with a very interested design pattern(your free to imagine how the door looks).

"Open up!" First Aid yells, moments later the door opens with a hiss. The door was extremely old due to the high pitch scratching against the floor.

"We really have to get that fixed and clean..." First Aid groaned, swatting away a bunch of dust.

After the dust clears, the four Autobots are presented with a large group of Cybertronains.

"Woah." Bulkhead said, shocked.
A taller mech approached the four.

"Ultra Magnus sir, we apologize for sending you to the other side of the planet, there are Decepticons on Earth as well and we didn't want to risk them tracing us." Ratchet explained. Like over the comm call, the room falls silent.

"Yes, we had picked up massive energy signals before landing." Ultra Magnus reassured him.

"Like said, we weren't planning on crashing on this planet. We were, originally, going to go past it for another 70 stellar cycles but unfortunately we didn't have enough Energon to keep the ship moving." Sentinel butted in on the conversation.

"Wait, but how did you get a comm link with us?" Arcee questioned. "A signal scan, over this planet. We didn't pick up Decepticon until we landed." Ultra Magnus explained.

Ratchet hummed in acknowledgement, his optics dazing around the room.

Ironhide, Jazz, Jetfire, Jetstorm, First Aid, Red Alert, Pharma, Drift, Prowl, Hotrod and Elita-One were all present in the room. Probably more on board somewhere in the ship.

"Wait." Prowl said, taking a closer look. "Where is Optimus?" He questions. The four Autobots freeze. All attention turns to them.

"Hm, yes, I have now just took notice that Optimus Prime is not here." Ultra Magnus said. "Where is he?"

"And where is Cliffjumper?" Sentinel asked, his tone filled with authority.

Ratchet knew they had to tell the truth. Especially to a group(a small one) Elite Guards.

"Optimus, he...went missing yesterday." Ratchet confessed. "And Cliffjumper is...dead." He adds, his tone filled with sorrow. A few gasps filled the room.

"Wait, so Cliff is...dead? Who killed him?" Jazz asked, deeply hoping Ratchet was joking.

"Starscream." Arcee said. "What exactly happened?" Sentinel questioned. "Cliffjumper and I were on patrol until he found a decepticon mine. He decided to intervene and we all lost contact with him." Arcee said, feeling a pit of guilt in her stomach.

"Oh my Primus..." Hotrod whispered. "But we had found him, unfortunately he was control by dark Energon...we couldn't save him." Arcee adds. "How did the Decepticons get their hands on dark Energon?" Jetfire asked.

":: There's a ton of Energon on this planet.::" Bumblebee said.

"But how?" Jetstorm asked as well. "You probably don't wanna know." Bulkhead said, his brain module lingering back to the Unicron being Earth stuff. "We shall mourn Cliffjumper but what about Optimus? You said he went missing." Ultra Magnus spoke with guilt in his voice.

"Yesterday he had went on a mission but he never contacted us or returned. We went out looking for him but no luck. His comm was off, so was his tracker." Ratchet explained.

"The Decepticons probably did something." Prowl said. "Ya think so?" Hotrod whispered under his breathe. Prowl heard his comment but he just rolled his eyes.

Elita stood in the far corner, listening to everything. 'What happened to Optimus? I hope he's alright...' Elita thought.

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