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With the Nemesis ship, Megatron was walking the hella long ass corridor which shouldn't be this damn long with a complaining Starscream, Soundwave(his favorite person in the known universe) and a few Vehicons trailing behind. Aside from Starscream annoyance, it was suspiciously quiet, not even humming from machinery. Well that was until a Vehicon was thrown from an open room. This made everyone come down to a surprised halt. One after the other they flew out.

Probably like three Vehicons tried to run out the room before they were shot down. One luckily survived before he ran away screaming for his life.

"He's crazy!" He exclaimed turning the corner, his annoying screams were fading slowly. 'What on Cybertron is going on?' Megatron wonder, turning his attention back to the open room.

That's when Optimus- I MEAN Nemesis Prime came walking out the room. He looked deeply pissed now, his dull crimson optics scanned over the pile of injured and/or offlined Vehicons without an aspect of pity or regret on his face.

"Nemesis Prime." Megatron said, sternly. The former Autobot turns his head to look at Megatron, he definitely didn't seem interested to talk to Megatron of all living Cybertronains, not now, not ever.

"What?" His voice had a nasty tone to it, and it really upset Megatron. "I advise you 'not' to use my men for your personal training, I do need them to fight the Autobots." He spoke, annoyance lacing his tone. Nemesis Prime glared at him. "I will do as I please, remember you need me to help you defeat the Autobots, I don't need the Decepticons to get in my way of doing things the way they should be done." Nemesis Prime spat, his words challenging Megatron.

This set an of f set tension in the stale air, everyone was silent. He was right but no one was ready to admit it yet. Just the silence made everything unsettling. Nemesis turned his heel and when back into the room. "Ugh, he's impossible..." Starscream mumbled under his breath.

The day goes on then

But Nemesis decided to go explore that cave he randomly woken in. As he walk up to the cave, he toke notice that it was unblocked now. He swore that he caused the entrance to collapse, but pushing that curiosity aside, Nemesis Prime walks into the cave. Dark and eerie.

He walks through multiple twist and turns, just wandering. He actually kinda hoped that he'd find something interesting, but nothing came up. Nemesis Prime is lead back to the same place he awoken in due to a familiar feeling.

The cave was a complete mess, but he noticed a decent sized creater. "Hmm, was that there before?" He wondered. Nemesis Prime continued to wander around the cave, a few bats here and there, some rats wondering around but no Cybertronain or one of those fleshlings that the Decepticons call mortals or humans.


Soon he decided to just sit down and stay there for a few hours. Unexpectedly, a flash of white blinded him for a few seconds. He groans and covers his optics. 'Your not me'

Did words really just flash in his face? Yup, yup it did.

'Get out of my body' 'My spark should not be turning cruel' 'Who are you?'

Nemesis Prime moans in pain as the flashes and words continue. "I am Nemesis Prime! You are nothing!" He yelled, the sound of his voice bouncing off the walls of the cave and coming back to him.

'I am something, I am Optimus Prime' 'You aren't supposed to exist' 'The Allspark did not create you'

"QUIET!!!" Nemesis Prime roars, covering his audio receptors. Like that did anything. The voice only got louder and louder and louder until silence arrived.

A long loud silent silence...

Like a void filled with so much of nothing that's its too loud...

Like my dad is hasn't come back with the milk that probably doesn't even exist...


'Where did the voice to?' Nemesis Prime wondered, uncovering his audio receptors. Look around, scanning the area for someone trying to play tricks on him. No one...

Who was that?

{DISCONTINUED FOR NOW} Reckless ~ Optimus Prime x Elita-OneWhere stories live. Discover now