Chapter 1

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"Good news!" A familiar voice talk through the phone. "We will return to Japan next month!"

It's mother who calling me, she is currently overseas together with father. The reason? It's no other than business.

My parents give me a task to take care of house and my sister while they're gone. But, in reality my sister are the one who taking care of me.

We are one years apart, with me being seventeen years old and her sixteen.

Before our parents leave Japan, we moved into Osaka all the way from Tokyo.

Me and my sister both attend the same school, Holo High. With me on the second year and my sister on her junior year.

Even though we are related, there's a huge difference between us. My sister are the popular girl in school, everyone at school know her. Mostly it's because her cute appearance and how talented she is at sport.

While me, her big brother, an average student who had a few friends and doesn't have any talent. Do I even deserved to be her brother? How can I even entered this school?

But, like any other big brother out there, I feel happy for my little sister! She deserved all the attention she get!

"Can you solve this problem, L/N-san?" A voice tracked me back to the classroom, It's no other than my math teacher.

Ohhh, great. Now the whole class are staring at me.

I stand up from my seat and walk towards the whiteboard, doing everything I can to solve a math problem.

Damnit Math, solve your own problem!

I ended up embarassing myself, I cannot find the solution and given a reward of standing at the corridor till lunch break.

Fricking math! Because of you I need to stand at the corridor all by myself till lunch break!!!


Thirty minutes later, School's bell finally ring and my math teacher finally leave the class. At the same time, I enter the class again and head to my seat.

I took the lunchbox that my sister made, and prepare to fulfill my stomach request with delicious food.

"That look delicious!" A familiar voice caught my attention. "Did you make it by yourself?"

"Ah, Ookami-san." I said as I realize it's Ookami-san, my classmate since the first year. "No, my sister made it. The world are not gonna be prepared if I can cook a delicious meal!" I let out a little joke.

"What's that!!" Ookami-san let out a giggle.

Ookami-san, or Ookami Mio are my classmate since I moved here at my junior year. She had a long wavy black hair combined with a dark red streaks.

She is one of the popular girls at school, mostly because of how nice she is and the motherly behave she had.

In class, she's the one who most often think and act like a grown-up, whilst the rest of us still act like a silly little kid.

"Your little sister, what's her name again?" Ookami-san asked, breaking the ice. "Emmm, Lucy isn't it?"

"Yeah." I replied shortly. "She just entered this school!"

"Congrats!" Ookami-san cheerfully said with her bright smile. "It's a real struggle to enter this school. The entrance exam was really hard! I remember when I often stay late just to enter this school."

While I was busy watching football (soccer) games all night. I even wonder what kind of luck I have to get accepted at this school.

"What about you, L/N-san?"

"Umm...kind of similar like you."

"Well then, I had to grab lunch for myself, see you later!" Ookami-san waved as she walk to Canteen.

As Mio leaves, I ate the meals my little sister made.

I took a bite of rice using my chopstick and followed by an octupus shaped sausage. The fluffy rice combined with a savory taste of the sausage followed with fluffy soft runny omelletes I took a bite of, making my tongue taste a heavenly flavours of homemade food.

After finishing my lunch, someone tap my shoulder from the back, I look around and realize it just my friends.

"Dude, how can you talk that easily with Ookami-san?!" Ken spoke. "It's Ookami-san! The girl everyone had a crush on!"

That include me.

"Seems like you betrayed us." Ryuuji followed.

"No!" I replied, denying my goofy friends. "It's just like that, she just randomly talk to me and I had no option!"

It's actually hard to talk with a girl like Ookami-san, I get nervous everytime without a reason.

Ken sighed. "Forget about it. Do you have any plans after school?" Ken asked, changing the topics. "Me and Ryuuji about to drop by a game shop afterschool, apparently there's a new game released."

"Hell yeah, let's go!" I quickly replied.

The School's bell ring again, a sign that lunch break are now over.

Back to sleeping I guess.

Afternoon came, the tree of us went to Game Shop to buy a new game that just released. There's a rumour that, the game are hard to defeat, almost impossible!

By that rumour only, succes to bring us for buying it.

"So this is it. The game that just released. The three of us stare at it's case, and say the name of the game out loud.

"Dark Spirit III"

The cover itself are insane, showing a kneeling soldier with his armour on fire and his hand grabbed some sort of dust and his other hand holding a sword.

The three of us quickly went home after paying for the game, excited to play.

As soon as I arrived at home, I rushed towards my room and even ignored my little sister calling me.

"Ah! Welcome home, Nii-sa-"


I spent the whole night playing Dark Spirit III and even skip dinner for it. It was really interesting and really annoying. It's still worth for the lack of sleep I had.

As I arrive at school gate, a familiar voice called me.

"L/N-san!" Ookami- san shouted as she approached me. "Good morning!" She said as she finally beside me.

"Morning, Ookami-san!" I reply.

"What's wrong? Did you not sleep well last night?" Ookami-san asked, concerned.

"How did you know?"

"It's just, you're not as high spirited as you used to be and you had an eyebag."

Uhh, that's explain it.

"Ah,yes. I had trouble sleeping last night."

Hearing my respond, Ookami-san let out a giggles, a really cute giggles!

We then walk together towards our classroom as time passed by.

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