Chapter 3

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Today is sure tiring...

I sighed as I leave classroom, bringing my heavy foot together to go home are a pain in the ass.

But, I got a chance to spent time again with Fauna-senpai.


She is right, one day I will miss school. But, do I have a memories in this place to be remembered? It seems like I have none beside the time I spent with Fauna-senpai.

Why do I suddenly behave like this?

Ah, I need to go home quick.

The thoughts of going home are broken when I saw the door that headed towards the rooftop are slightly opened. Going for my curiosity, I took a step and approached the door.

To my suprise the Rooftop that are prohibited to enter are this easy to acces.

Whoa, this place are huge...

A gentle wind greet me as I take a step at the Rooftop, the empty space and the silent atmosphere slightly creep me out. But, as I take a look towards the west, I was amazed.

I was amazed by the scenery I saw, the setting sun, orange skies, and a suprise.

A girl, standing in front of me, watching the same scenery like I did. Dark brown short hair, and a short yet tall figure are the only thing I can identify.

A plain yet lonely, as she turn herself towards me, I saw her face and her appearance.

Brown eyes with the right one covered with her long bangs that reached her cheeks and a face that show no emotions or whatsoever. It's the opposite of the sun behind her, yet it is so beautiful.

"Who?" She asked me shortly.

"I should be the one asking that."

Instead of answering my question, she continued to stare at my eyes. Her mouth started to move again after a few seconds.

"Who?" The mysterious girl in front of me asked the same question again.

I give up and introduce myself at her. "Y/N L/N. Second year." 

Like how earlier went, she stared my eyes again. This time, somehow her stare are more friendlier than before.

"What's your?" I asked her back.

"You'll know it later." She quickly reply.

After that reply, she turn her back against me. Guess watching the sunset are more entertaining than me.

"We'll met again sometime." She softly spoke. "Only if fate truly works."

As she finished her words, I decided to leave the Rooftop. Leaving only the Mysterious Girl and the sunset alone.

What a weird girl.

I sighed to myself as I walk downstairs, with my curiosity fulfilled, the only thing left is to go home. It's already 5:30, I need to go home quick, before Lucy get mad again!

I increased my pace and went home as quick as I could. But--

"Ouch!" A girl whimper in pain. "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention properly!" She apologize shortly after bumping to me.

"It's my fault, I'm in rush so I didn't look around. Sorry."


"Ookami-san.." What is she doing this late at school? "Why are you still in school?"

"I was helping Mrs. Takamura for a bit." She replied. "What about you? It's rare seeing you this late in school."

"Just wandering around." I said. "Sorry, I need to go home quick."

"Wait! Could we walk together?" Mio asked me. "Since our home are in the same direction, it won't be a problem right if I walk home with you?"

Under the orange-ish skies, I walk home together with Ookami-san. A miracle I can say.

"Aren't you usually with your friends, Ookami-san?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"I told them to go home without me." Ookami-san replied. "And...sometime I want to spend time with myself."

"What about you L/N-san? I usually see you walk home with your sister." Ookami-san continued.

"Ah, Lucy now usually hang out with her friends after school." I replied.

"And why didn't you do the same?" Ookami-san shortly reply. "It's normal for us, teenager."

Ken and Ryuuji are not that type who like hanging out after school. "I prefer going home early, since I need to do some chores while my sister aren't in house."


We paused for a moment after arriving in intersection, Ookami-san point her hands to the left, the opposite direction of my house.

"Since I go this way, we need to depart here." Ookami-san spoke. "See you at school tomorrow!" Ookami-san waved her hand as she crossed the road and went home.

And I did the same.

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