Chapter 4

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"Make sure to lock the door, okay?" Lucy spoke to me as she left home earlier than me.

I quickly finished my breakfast, tidying my uniform for the last time and make my way to school.

School are not that far from home, above all the transport method available, walking is simply the best.

The air is slightly colder today...I took a glance at the slightly grey skies. It's gonna be winter soon, huh...

"Hey!" I hear a shout from afar, is someone calling me?

"L/N-san!" I'm familiar with this voice.

"Aren't that, Fauna-senpai?" I turn my back and saw Fauna-senpai walking towards me.

"Good morning, L/N-san!" She greeted me with smile.

"Good morning."

It's unusual seeing Fauna-senpai at this hour, she usually went to school really early.

"Did you oversleep, senpai?" I asked curious.

Even someone like Fauna-senpai can oversleep, really unexpected.

"Of course not!" She replied shortly. "I kinda want to spend a little more time in home before leaving to school."

Ahh, she is hiding it. I can tell from the eyebag under her eyes.

We walk together to school after chattering for a while. Of course Fauna-senpai keep telling me that she aren't oversleeping, and of course I pretend to believe her.

"I go this way." Fauna-senpai pointed her finger towards the opposite direction of my classroom.

"Let me guess..." I spoke. "You're heading to Library aren't you?"

"Correct!" Fauna-senpai replied shortly. "Ten points for you!"

As expected from her, she is sure really love Library. Fauna-senpai even became a librarian in school.

Is that?

At the corner of my eyes, I saw a girl from the same class as me, long brown hair complemented with a red-pinkish ribbon and a deep brown eyes, she is a quiet girl and rarely talk.

I've saw a few people tried to talk with her, it work but Tokino-san always replied it with a short response, making the situation akward.

Perhaps she is just an introvert. I should sometime talk with her.

School's bell rang the same time I sat on my desk, not long after that the teacher came. Ah, favorite of all time, math.

"That's all for today, don't forget to do your homework."

Lunch break finally arrive, as usual I rarely go to canteen because I bring my own lunch, of course I didn't cook it, my sister did. It's healthier to eat homemade food, that's what she said to me.

I opened my Lunch box, and to my suprise Lucy, my sister cooked me a fried rice.

It's not her if there are no heart shaped ketchup.

What's gotten into her? She said she won't cook me a fried rice because it's too easy...girls are really hard to understand.

After admiring every little detail my sister put on my lunch, it's finally time for me to eat my food. Spoon by spoon, I ate it with pure joy because of how good the taste of my sister's cooking are.

Fully satisfied, I headed to the Library to read some books.

I gently open the door and the usual quiet atmosphere greeted me, I make my way inside towards the bookshelf searching for a book that piqued my interest.

'My Dearest.'

A tittle that hooked my interest, I pick that book from the shelves and have a quick read of the synopsis in the back of the book.
It is quite interesting. But, I'm not into romance that much.

A sweet relationship, but not a friend neither a lover?

I should give it a try.

Finally deciding what to read, I sat on the desk and started reading. But...

"Hey!" A familiar voice came through my ears, followed with a finger that poking my cheek. "What you reading now?"

"Fauna-senpai..." I spoke. "Stop poking my cheek!"

"Hehe." Fauna-senpai let out a giggle. "So, what you decide to read?"

"My Dearest." I replied. "This picqued my interest."

Silence filled the air as I finish my words, I take a look at Fauna-senpai only to saw her suprised.

"A-am I a weirdo for reading this book, Fauna-senpai?"

She then let out a cute giggle hearing my question. "Nothing. I'm suprised you take a liking to romance stuff."

"It's actually a must to read, do you want me to spoil some for you?" Fauna-senpai continued.

"No, please no."

Fauna-senpai let out a giggle again hearing my response, am I currently being her laughing stock right now?

"It's actually one of the books that made me like to read, the simple story are what keeping me up to read it, a simple yet enjoyable, though there is a plot hole on why one of the characters gone sudde—" Fauna-senpai spoke, but I stopped her in the right time.

"Please, I don't want any spoiler." I said.

"I'm joking, geez." She giggles. "You should check out another book by aguynamedghost after finishing it."

I look closely at Fauna-senpai's eyes, every bit of her emotions can be seen everytime she talk about books, it's like something precious to her.

To be able to read her like that, what am I doing?

"L/N-san? Hello!!"

"Oh, sorry I was spacing out."

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Fauna-senpai asked me, is she pouting?

"I perhaps didn't hear it."

Fauna-senpai sighed hearing what I just said.

"Thanks for always coming into the Library." Fauna-senpai spoke, a tone of seriousness can be heard from her. "Today, you make my day too, thank you."

A smile, one that I've never seen before, the purest smile, one that make me sad and nervous at the same time.

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