Chapter 2

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I like to read a book quite a lot, it's one of my hobbies beside fishing.

That's why I always found myself in the library, quietly reading books and sometime do my homework. Who doesn't love libraries?

As usual, on a lunch break I visit Library to borrow books. And as usual, the same person greet me.

"L/N-san, what books are you reading now?" A familiar voice ask me excitedly.

It's Ceres Fauna, she is a library officer. We've been known each other for a year, I first met her in, you guessed it, Hallway.

It happened in my first year, I get lost and bumped to her. I didn't know she was my senior at first, but she then told me.

"This is a second year hallway, first year are downstair."

I really embarassed that day, but she just laughed at me and told me to just brush it off.

The next day, during my first visit at Libary, I met her again. Since then, whenever I visited Library we often talk with each other. Not just about books, she sometime told me about herself, and I did the same.

Fauna-senpai actually are a pretty beautiful girl, her green hair and her yellow-ish golden eyes are complementing each other. Her voice, are the most soothing and relaxing thing I've ever heard.

But, she is really shy. She only had a few friends. A sad thing to hear, but she told me that her friends are really kind and never judge her.

"Earth to L/N-san! Helloo!" Fauna-senpai whispers through my ears.

"AHHH!" Her voice shocked me.

"That's why you should pay attention when someone is talking!" She spoke. "So, what books are you reading now?"

"Sorry, I was spacing out." I replied. "A fantasy novel, Never Ending Journey."

Fauna-senpai suddenly grab the book in my hand, with full excitement she inspect the book. "I've read this! A really long adventure of The Heroes and his party!" She handed back the book to me. "Are you gonna borrow it? Or read it here?"

"I'm borrowing it."

"Are you not gonna read it first?" She asked.

"Lunch break end in ten minutes, Fauna-senpai."

"That's plenty of time! C'mon read it first! Aren't you usually steal time to talk with me?" Fauna-senpai start teasing me.

"S-stop!!" I look away from her face, hiding my embarassed face. "Fine."

I walked into nearest table, followed by Fauna-senpai, she then sit beside me.

I opened my book that I borrow, and served with a prologue on the first page. "Fauna-senpai, have you finished reading this book?"

"Of course! Do you want me to spoil some for you?"

"No. Big no."

She giggles hearing my response, "I still couldn't belive you like to read." I lower the book from my vision and catch Fauna-senpai laying her head on the table, continuesly staring at me.

"And why is that?"

"Take a look around, libraries are often filled with girls than boys." She spoke. "If you realize, you are the only boy in this library."

She's right, there's no other boys beside me...

Fauna-senpai took a deep breath, she then move her chair closer towards me, before letting any words out from her mouth, she let out a sigh. "I can't believe my time in this school are gonna end soon."

I've predicted this.

"Why are you sighing? Aren't you hate this school?"

"It just, I haven't make enough memories to be remembered. No matter how much you hate school, one day you're gonna miss it anyway."

"You're actually just having fun, Fauna-senpai." I replied. "You never realize you were making memories."

Silence filled the air right after I finished my word, Fauna-senpai stared at me directly. It seems like she wanted to say something.

"Such a wisdom are coming out from your mouth." Fauna-senpai said.

"Hehe, thanks." I giggle.

I continued reading, whilst Fauna-senpai seems to fallen asleep on the desk. It is a really slow day, best way to pass time is by sleeping, like how Fauna-senpai did.

A short nap wouldn't be wrong...


I woke up to Fauna-senpai humming a song, still with a closed eyes, I slowly open it and greeted with Fauna-senpai's face that really close to me.

"Finally waking up, eh?" Fauna-senpai poke my nose.

Regaining my consciousness back, I put the book I borrowed into its shelf.

I sat beside Fauna-senpai, and asked for the time. "It's 2 o'clock, we both napped for two hours." Fauna-senpai cover her mouth and let out a giggle.

"You should go back to class." Fauna-senpai said to me.

"OH NO..."

I  rushed towards my classroom, hoping the teacher wasn't there.

Like how glass shattered, my hopes shattered too upon knowing, teacher are inside my class.

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