Swipe Right

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Rico swiped right on the profile of a guy named Miguel. He liked what he saw. Miguel was a lawyer, 28 years old, 5'10", fit, and handsome. He had black hair, brown eyes, and a stubble that made him look rugged and sexy. His bio said he was looking for something serious, and that he loved books, movies, and music. Rico thought he was perfect.

He waited for a few seconds, hoping for a match. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw the notification pop up on his screen.

"It's a match!"

He felt a surge of excitement and nervousness. He decided to send the first message.

"Hi Miguel, I'm Rico. Nice to meet you."

He waited for a reply, hoping that Miguel would be interested in him too.

He didn't have to wait long. He saw the typing indicator appear on his screen, followed by a message.

"Hi Rico, I'm glad we matched. You have a cute smile."

Rico felt his cheeks heat up. He smiled and typed back.

"Thank you. You're very handsome yourself."

He saw another message from Miguel.

"So, what do you do for a living?"

Rico answered.

"I work as an IT specialist at a software company. And you? You're a lawyer, right?"

Miguel replied.

"Yes, I am. I work at a prestigious firm in Makati. It's a demanding job, but I enjoy it."

Rico was impressed.

"Wow, that's amazing. You must be very smart and successful."

Miguel sent a laughing emoji.

"Thank you. You're very sweet and kind."

Rico felt a connection with Miguel. He liked his compliments and his sense of humor. He wanted to know more about him.

They continued to chat for hours, exchanging messages about their hobbies, interests, goals, and dreams. They found out that they had a lot in common, and that they shared similar values and views on life. They also discovered that they lived in Metro Manila, but in different cities. Rico lived in Quezon City, while Miguel lived in Makati.

They felt a spark between them, and they decided to exchange phone numbers. They moved their conversation from the app to text messages, and then to voice calls. They enjoyed hearing each other's voice, and they felt closer to each other.

They talked every day, morning and night, for weeks. They never ran out of things to say, and they always made each other laugh. They also flirted with each other, sending compliments and emojis. They felt attracted to each other, and they wanted to meet in person.

They agreed to go on a date on a Friday night. They chose a coffee shop near Rico's place as their meeting spot. They were both excited and nervous about seeing each other for the first time.

They hoped that their date would go well, and that they would like each other as much as they did online.

They didn't know that their date would change their lives forever.

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