True Love

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Rico and Paolo stared at each other in shock and disbelief. They couldn't believe that they had been talking to each other online for weeks, without knowing each other's true identity.

They had both used fake names and photos on the dating app, for different reasons. Rico had used Steve as his alias, because he wanted to protect his privacy and avoid being recognized by his co-workers or clients. He had used a photo of a random guy he had found on the internet, who looked similar to him but not exactly the same.

Paolo had used Miguel as his alias, because he wanted to escape from his stressful life as a lawyer and have some fun online. He had used a photo of his cousin, who looked nothing like him but who had given him permission to use his picture.

They had both lied to each other about their names and appearances, but not about anything else. Everything else they had told each other was true: their age, their job, their hobbies, their interests, their goals, their dreams.

They had both fallen in love with each other's personality, not with their looks.

But now that they saw each other face to face, they didn't know what to do or say.

They were both speechless.

They looked at each other with mixed emotions: confusion, anger, hurt, betrayal.

But also: curiosity, admiration, attraction.

They realized that they still liked each other, despite the deception.

They realized that they still wanted to give each other a chance.

They realized that they still wanted to be together.

Paolo took a deep breath and spoke up.

"Look...I'm sorry I lied to you about my name and my photo. I didn't mean to hurt you or trick you. I just wanted to have some fun online, and I didn't think it would get serious. But then I met you, and I liked you. A lot. And I didn't know how to tell you the truth. I was afraid you would hate me or reject me. I was afraid you would stop talking to me. I was afraid I would lose you."

He paused and looked at Rico with sincerity and hope.

"But I'm here now, and I'm telling you the truth. I'm Paolo, and I'm in love with you."

He held out the roses he had brought for him.

"These are for you. Will you accept them? Will you accept me?"

Rico felt a surge of emotions. He was hurt and angry that Paolo had lied to him, but he also understood why he had done it. He knew that Paolo was not a bad person, but a good one who had made a mistake. He knew that Paolo was sincere and honest, and that he loved him.

He looked at the roses, and then at Paolo's face.

He saw the same face he had seen every day at work, but with a new light.

He saw the face of the man he loved.

He smiled and took the roses from him.

"Yes, I'll accept them. And yes, I'll accept you."

He leaned in and kissed him softly.

Paolo kissed him back, wrapping his arms around him.

They hugged each other tightly, feeling each other's warmth and heartbeat.

They felt happy and relieved.

They felt like they had found each other.

They felt like they had found their soulmate.

They didn't care about the people around them, who were staring at them with curiosity or disapproval.

They didn't care about the consequences of their actions, or the challenges they would face in the future.

They only cared about each other, and the present moment.

They only cared about their love.And they knew that their love was enough.

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