Fateful Alliances

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After finishing the assembly, Natalia scanned the ground, searching for the mysterious boy she had been thinking earlier. Despite her efforts, he seemed to have disappeared. Her mind buzzed with questions. "Who was he? Where did he came from?" Lost in her thoughts, she lagged behind as the other students moved toward the classroom. They nudged her forward, urging her to catch up. She hurried to her English class, took out her books, and began writing in her class diary.

A few minutes later, the door creaked open, and a voice asked, "May I come in?" Natalia's pencil slipped from her fingers as she turned toward the door in surprise. "What is he doing in my class?" she wondered. The teacher, without hesitation, granted permission. "Yeah, sure," she replied. The newcomer stepped inside, and the teacher addressed the class. "I would like to have your attention, students. He is new to our school and this class. Please introduce yourself to your classmates," she instructed.

"My name is Nikolai Volkov," he said, his words brief. The room fell silent. The teacher then assigned him a seat, next to Natalia. She couldn't hide her astonishment. "What/ I don't want to sit with him, Miss. My seat was assigned, and I was supposed to sit alone throughout the year," Natalia protested. The teacher, firm in her decision, responded, "Natalia...!Go back to your to your seat and don't talk. He will sit with you, and that's my final decision."

Reluctantly, Natalia returned to her seat, eyeing Nikolai. His expression remained impassive, devoid of any hint of a smiled. Natalia couldn't help but speculate about his reactions in potential emergencies. "If there's a fire or an earthquake, what will he do?" she pondered. "Will he run or maintain that stoic face, unlike the others? He looks older, maybe six months or a year older than me. How will he react?"

Days passed in silence between Natalia and Nikolai. The seldom exchanged words, only the occasional "side, please" or "bring my copy with yours." When something fell, there was no need for verbal requests; they instinctively helped each other. Nikolai, though sociable and making many friends, never considered Natalia as one. Similarly, Natalia didn't actively seek a connection, but a lingering thought persisted; "What if he could be a friend, or even a best friend?"

Months passed since Nikolai joined the school, irregular attendance becoming a norm. A mix of relief and concern settled within Natalia. She was content he wasn't around regularly, yet worry crept in upon hearing he was often sick.

One rainy day, Natalia found solace in the library's sim lights, engrossed in an ancient storybook meant for elders. As she traced her finger over symbols, the storm outside mirrored the turmoil in her heart. Her absent father added to her confusion. "Should I befriend Nikolai, despite my lack of fondness? Why do I miss him, even though I don't really like him?" Closing the book, she placed it back on the shelf and headed towards the exit, only to spot Nikolai watching her. A flicker of a smile formed on her lips, rare moment of happiness.

In that fleeting moment, as Natalia's lips curled into a smile, she felt an unexpected warmth
in her heart. Their eyes met, and for a second, an unspoken understanding passed between them. In the silence of the library, amidst the ragging storm outside Natalia found a glimmer hope. She realizes that despite their differences and the uncharted territories of friendship, there was something intriguing about Nikolai. As she walked past him, she mustered y=the courage to say, "See you tomorrow, Nikolai." His expression softened, and he nodded in response.

As Natalia stepped out into the pouring rain, she couldn't help but replay the moment in her mind. For the first time, she entertained the idea that perhaps there was more to Nikolai than met the eye. The thought left her both perplexed and strange intrigued. Little did she know, this momentary encounter would mark the beginning of unexpected bond, setting the stage for new chapters in both their lives. With a heart filled with curiosity, Natalia walked away, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridor, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the twists and turns that fate had in store for these two seemingly mismatched souls

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