Inlove with Naruto Uzumaki

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Sasuke's pov:

I ran far away from them, I wanted to cry so bad, but I didn't, I seen Sakura run to me,

"SASUKE!! You had me so worried where were you!?"

She shouted at Sasuke,   "I'm sorry I was looking for Naruto.. you see, we got in a stupid childish argument."

I replied to her.    "Whatt?? What happened?" Sakura asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it, sorry.."

Sasuke answer's.

Naruto's pov:


I gave sai a confused glare, I felt so weird "Naruto.?"  Sai called my name.

I could barely hear sai, my vision, my hearing.. why is it fading away?

"NARUTO?!" Sai called out for Naruto he collapsed on Sai, passing out.

Sai's pov:

My hands started shaking, holding Naruto in my arms. My hands on his cheeks cupping them. I don't know what to do.. "NARUTO! WAKE UP!" I shouted but no answer. "naruto??" I asked again. No answer, I picked Naruto up, putting his arm around my neck and him on my back, I started to help him walk, he started gaining consciousness but still no response.

I walked up to the tall buildings seeing Sasuke in my sight with sakura, "SASUKE, SAKURA!" I shouted out to them, looking back at his sky blue eyes, no Sparkle in  them. There lifeless,  "What's wrong sai?! What's wrong with naruto!" Sakura shouted back at to me, Sasuke didn't answer or respond to me shouting his name, he looked so worried .

"I don't know he just passed out" I answered quickly to Sakura,  "tch." That's all we heard from Sasuke than he began walking off, "Sasuke? where are you going?" I asked, "to get help obviously." He replied,  "sai we're gonna get him to the hospital! Come on guys!" Sakura said. We began driving to a close by hospital and signed him in.

Naruto's pov:

so dark, so much shadows.. why is that? "naruto.." a soft voice.. is it leading me? light. So bright,

Is it leading me to the light?


I woke up from my dream. Was it a dream?I slightly opened my eyes just to feel, see an Uchiha cupping my cheeks staring at me. I quickly backed up, "I.. what am I doing here?" I asked.

"You fainted on sai." The Raven replied,  "where Is sai!?" I asked. I seem to notice. Him clenching his fists, "signing you out, you been asleep for 4 hours." the Raven quickly replied  with a annoyed tone.

"Ha.. sorry I guess I was so sleepy." I chuckled with a small grin,

" you idiot." He replies  "you really make me worried." Sasuke said. "I-I WHAT?!" I shouted so loud sai, Sakura and tsunade ran in.

"YOU DOOFUS!" Sasuke shouted at me "YOU BASTARD!" I Shouted back, "CHAAA!" Before I could even know it Sakura ran and hit me in my head so hard i flew , "OWWWWW.. WHY DID YOU ONLY HIT ME?"  "Tch! You doofus" Sasuke smacked his teeth and said to me, he walked out. " Naruto your such a goofball" tsunade said.  They all walled out but sai, "Naruto are you okay?"

"Yeah.. at least u care" I chuckled then got help from sai to get up.

Sasukes pov:

I peeked through the cracks of the door just to see Naruto and sai laughing together him on the floor,

I was kinda jealous, no.. very jealous I ended up walking through the door interrupting them, "Huh? Hey sasuke!"  Naruto happily greeted me. I felt warm. A small grin on my face appeared without even realizing,  Naruto looked so confused like an idiot, "wo-WOUAHHH SASUKE YOUR SMILING?" ...

"Shut up. And come on" Sasuke said to Naruto, I grabbed narutos wrist but just to see him quickly grab sai's of course I had to see him too..

We drove to each of each other's house, now it's just Naruto to be dropped off,

"hey.. naruto?"

"Hmh?"    "tch. wanna stay at my place?" I asked. "are u asking me to hang out with you!?" He popped up in the driver's seat from the back,  it caught me off guard,  "yeah."     "OF COURSEE!" I began to feel that same warmth feeling than drove to my apartment.  I unlocked the door after we arrived,  Naruto ran in the house bumping me out of the doorway.  "Woaahh!!"  He shouted. "Hey wait that's my room!" I shouted at him, "don't care!!" He still ran and opened the door then flopped on my bed

"So comfortable! Not as my bed though!" He started messing up my blankets getting underneath, "NARUTO STOPP!" I shouted at him then I pulled it off him but it hit my foot and I stepped on it and fell on top of him, "mh." One single sound came from him, "um." Another,  "I.. umm" I blushed so hard then got up, "get off me you idiot! Im not gay!" I was shock at him saying that,

" didn't u kiss sai..? That seems very gay to me" I replied. "HE KISSED ME AND I DIDNT WANT IT!!" he shouted at me. "Hah okay,"

"I'm sleeping on the couch!!" He shouts then began going to get the blankets and make his sleeping area on the couch.

I went to get water, I made my way to the room but I slipped on his shoes and spilt it all over my couch. A large gasp being heard from Naruto.  "Fuck my back!"


"UH oh." I said, then without even caring where he slept I went to make my bed,  

"Umm. Sasuke where am I gonna sleep, the couch is all wet. "  Naruto asks

"It doesn't matter figure it out. Orr u can sleep on the bed with me?"

I said sarcastically

"But that would seem gay!" He shouts

"Then sleep on the hard floor." I  replied

"NO WaY, NEVER MIND I CHOOSE THE BED!"  Naruto hops on the bed and tucks in.

I got on the other side of the bed, Naruto is facing the wall already asleep,  I look at his sliky soft hair, I don't hesitate to move over to his back and caress his blonde hair, I turned over to the other side when he woke up. I started thinking..

"I can't do this" this can't be  right"

I love Sakura not naruto" but I love them both"

If only Sakura loved naruto...

Those were my last words before I fell in a deep sleep with Naruto.

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