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Sasuke's pov:   (3rd pov)

"What does he mean by that..
I don't understand"

The Raven thought to himself.

"Naruto?"  Sasuke called out for his name, "Naruto."  He called again.

"Naruto, can you hear me?!"   Sasuke began to get worried.

"Leaf village, their the only best village with medical ninja.."  Sasuke worried on and on, before that was the first thought thst came in his mind, he picked up the pace  he ran and ran.

He fixed Naruto on his back and ran to the leaf. It would take 2 day's,  Naruto began closing his eyes,  "hnh! Naruto, don't you go on me!"    

"But, hold on tight!" Sasuke spoke again

  Soon, the blonde noticed Sasuke was fixing him properly so they could jump over the broken mbridge. There was water below it, and every piece was in it, mountain to mountain.

"Eh, eh, sasuke?"  The blonde replied.

"Ye -"  "Bye," Naruto cut off Sasuke before he could speak.

"Wait, wait, what do you mean by tha-"
"Ha," Naruto cut him off  again, "this might be the only way to free myself."

Naruto poorly thought to himself.

Naruto begans unwrapping his legs around sasuke's waist, Sasuke jumped over, and Naruto took his hands away from his neck, unwrapping himself.
He slides his legs out of sasuke's hold and properly makes himself fall.

"WAI-" Sasuke shouted out as he made it  to the other side while Naruto fell.

"Ha ha! I'm okay!"  As Sasuke ran to the cliff. Staring at a blonde who was hanging on a rock.


"GO  WITHOUT ME! ha ha! Tell them I'm here, tell them I need help."

"I'll wait for you."

Tears bubbled up in narutos eyes, just waiting to fall  Naruto teared up at his own words, knowing it's a lie.

"Naruto.." Sasuke worried for him.

The thought sparked in sasuke's mind, "No!" He didn't hesitate to decline. He jumps down there, bringing him up, "I'm not stupid. You're just gonna run, trying to find your way back."

"Tch" was heard from the blonde, hoping his trick would work.

They soon made it to a cave, and Naruto was halfway healed, "Please Naruto, trust me," Sasuke begged Naruto, "trust you? Ha, trust you?"


"All I did was trust you! I TRIED OVER AND OVER TO TRUST YOU AND WHEN I GAVE IN YOU TRIED USING ME!" Naruto shouted in pain

"I BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS,  I KNOW WHAT I DID WRING AND PLEASE,  PLEASE TRUST ME AGAIN ILL DO BETTER I SWEAR!" Sasuke shouted with passion in his voice than he  continued running, "I'll just have to heal you myself, old fashion way"  Sasuke spoken like nothing happened,  he began looking for plants and orbs while Naruto was bleeding in the grass.

Sasuke found the right plants and orbs,  first he wiped the blood off and put the softly washed plants on the bandage then wrapped it around Naruto than he did himself last, "damn naruto, your rasengan really did a number on me"

"Naruto?"  The Raven was done with his bandages then looked at the blonde whoo was unconscious,  he picked him up bridal style and ran tree to tree hoping for a good tree he could put up their jackets on the branches making a fort.

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