13) Handsome and thoughtful?!

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A/N: Heyy guys. So new character for today is Nico. You can see him above and he's a brunette bc most ppl wanted a brunette. If you don't like the way he looks then just imagine him differently it doesn't really matter what he looks like.

Enjoyy <33

As soon as we entered the living room, Pablo's parents greeted me warmly. His mother even immediately hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. We quickly sat down at the table. I mainly talked about my study, my own parents and of course how Pablo and I met. His parents are truly some of the sweetest people I have ever met. Aurora lets me talk a lot, but she smiles friendly in between. Of course I also hear some shameful stories about Pablo from when he was very little and his mother shows me lots of baby photos. 

When Pablo and I finally walk away from the house and the front door slams shut behind us, we both sigh with relief. It might have been a lot of fun, but everything I said made me think; lying is actually quite tiring when you have to do it for such a long time. 

'Well done.' Pablo says and he smiles. I sigh. 'I don't understand how you can lie so well, to such nice people.' Pablo presses his lips together. 'Believe me, that is difficult too, but it has to be done. Didn't you see how happy my mother was that I was finally coming home with a normal girlfriend?' he asks as he opens the car door. 

'What do you mean by 'normal'?' I ask. 'It's just, you go to college and you come from a decent family. I mean, at least you're not a slut.' Pablo says as if it is the most normal thing in the world. I get into the car and shrug. 'You don't know at all whether I'm a slut or not. You hardly know me.' Pablo nods slowly. 

'Don't you think lying to our parents is going a bit too far? We can just tell them what's going on.' I say as I get into the car. Pablo sits down next to me with a sigh and shakes his head. 'Trust me, it's much better to keep this a secret from them. Besides, they think it's really good of me that I finally have a girlfriend.' Pablo starts the engine and then starts driving. 

I cross my arms, why can't we just tell our own family? That would make everything so much easier for me. 'Can I at least tell my own parents?' I ask. 'No, Elena, you just need to keep your mouth shut about this.' I roll my eyes. Maybe his family is very proud that Pablo has a thing for me, but my family isn't going to like the fact that I'm dating a famous football player. 

The car comes to a stop at a traffic light and I turn to Pablo, determined to win this argument. 'Pablo?' but before I can continue he talks over me. 'Enough, you signed that contract with me that said we won't tell anyone. You just stick to that.' I can tell he's really angry and I cough. 'I just wanted to say the traffic light is green.' I say and look out the window. 'Oh,' Pablo answers, and then he presses the accelerator again. 

'And besides, that 'contract' you're talking about is just a napkin.' I say.
'Just a napkin? We both agreed that it was valid.' Pablo replies. I roll my eyes again. I hate that 'contract', I'm done with this lying game.

When we finally arrive at my house I am still a bit grumpy. I open the car door to get out when Pablo grabs my hand. 'Goodnight kiss?' he asks and I scoff.
'You have enough sluts for that Pablo.' I say and then I get out of the car.
'Goodnight to you too Elena.' Pablo mumbles but I pretend I can't hear him.

When I get back to the apartment, Stacey is not home yet. Sofia is already sleeping and Luna is still at the dining table typing furiously on her laptop. When she sees me come in she puts her finger to her lips, signaling me to be quiet. I shuffle over to her and put my bag on the floor. 

'How was the dinner with Pablo?' she asks happily. 'It was fine, he has very sweet parents.' I say as I sit down next to her.
'But...?' she asks. 

'It feels wrong to lie to our families, but apparently he has no problem with it.' Luna sighs and closes her laptop. 'It's okay. You're doing it for your own good, and also so that we can study here, it's really not wrong what you're doing.' I try to believe Luna, but I see in her eyes that she also knows that what I am doing is certainly wrong. 

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