22) 'The little one'

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The second day goes by pretty smoothly. Everyone is getting along and by noon everyone is out of bed. Even Ansu, who's sitting at the kitchen counter staring into nothingness. He apologized to me and Pablo. But it was more like a: sorry I was so fucking drunk last night I don't even know what happened anymore, than an actual apology, but I'll take his hangover mumbles. Everyone kinda spends time doing something of their choice. A few of the boys go to the gym, a group of couples go to the beach and spend the day there, while the rest does whatever. 

Pablo and Ansu go on a big hike together with Xavi. They invited me too, but I politely declined. Mikky, Coral, Kathrine and I went to the little village near our villa. Mikky and Kathrine walk behind us on a slower tempo, while Coral and I walk much faster. 

'So, how did you and Pablo exactly meet again?' Coral asks while we walk through the dunes. 'We actually met during an interview.' I say and I smile. That's not a lie...
'Oh really? Are you an interviewer?' Coral asks. 'No, it was just a coincidence that we met there. After that, we didn't speak for months, but we didn't leave each other heads.' I say, lie. 'After a few months, I dared to DM him and he remembered and when I moved to Barcelona, we went on a few dates.' I say. Coral smiles. 'That's cute.' she says with her fat American accent. I nod and smile. 

It's hard to lie all the time, but I get better at it. The best is to leave too many details out but add a few. I have strategies on how to lie, and the more I do it, the more strategies I make up and the better I can use them in different situations. I use them to convince people we're together, to tell interesting stories about Pablo and I, to make everything more realistic, but most importantly; I use them to prevent people from asking me questions I can't answer. So before Coral, can ask anything about our dates or whatever happened after that, I ask her a question. 

'How did you and Sergi meet?' I ask and Coral laughs. 'That's a funny story actually!' she begins. The key to not having to lie is not to talk at all. And people LOVE, absolutely ADORE, talking about themselves. They can do it for hours, as long as the person they're talking to is interested and keeps asking new questions. That has been my tactic today. During breakfast, I spoke to so many people, about them. Not about me or Pablo, but just about them. They all loved it, and the only thing I did was pretend I gave a fuck. 

'So, I worked in this clothes shop and he spilled beer over this super expensive jacket in the store. I obviously had to charge the jacket for him, but it was like a million dollars. So he made a deal with me, I wouldn't tell anyone about the jacket, and I would sell it to him for half of the price, and he would give me tickets for an FC Barcelona match.' Coral says. 

I raise my eyebrows. 'You didn't take the offer right?'
'Of course not!' Coral says. 'Well... I would've never taken it, if my little brother wasn't such a fan.' she says and I giggle. 'He always wanted to go, so I asked for five tickets from different matches, and he said he would give me his number, and sent me the tickets later.' Coral says and I smile. 'Smooth operator...' 
'I know right! So we exchanged numbers and he sent me the tickets. Right after the first match, he texted me when we were gonna go on a date, and that's how it all started.' Coral says and she has a huge smile on her face. 

After a few minutes of walking we finally reach the village. There are some cute local shops and we decide to split up. Mikky and Coral are grabbing some tampons and Kathrine and I are just gonna sniff around in the local shops. We have a few pretty good chats. Again, all about her, my strategies did not fail. But at a certain point she starts asking me more and more questions, until the whole topic switched to Pablo and I.

'I mean, I heard Ansu said some pretty weird stuff to you guys last night.' Kathrine says. Kathrine is interesting. Despite that she's a grown-ass woman she still tries to gossip as if we're in middle school. She said this about you, and he said that about him... like who cares? We're adults right? Just ask what you wanna hear. 

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