15) Las fiestas de la hoguera

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Nico: We haven't left from home yet. If you text me your address I can pick you up.

I smile at my phone and text him my address. Time for my first party in Barcelona.

I immediately text my address to Nico. I'm wondering if I should wear something nice, since I'm still wearing this morning's outfit. I quickly run to the front door and run upstairs. 

Once I arrive I see Stacey and Sofia sitting at the dining table on their phones. It's not very late yet, they've probably just finished eating. They don't say hi, probably too absorbed in their phones. I run to the bedroom and put on a nice dress with sneakers. 

The dress she's wearing

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The dress she's wearing...
(Again, if you don't like it. Then change it!)

Then I walk into the living room and Stacey looks up.
'Hola, sexy, where are you going? To Pablo?' she says and Sofia is now looking too. 'Yes... we're going to a beach party together.' I say. 

Then I hear the doorbell. "I'll open the door, I want to say something to Pablo." Stacey says and gets up. In one step I am next to her. 'No... um... I better open the door. We are in a hurry. See you later girls." I say and before Stacey can say anything I open the door and slam it behind me. I quickly walk down the stairs and then open the front door, which I immediately slam shut as well. 

Then I see Nico, he is just wearing simple sweatpants and a shirt. He smiles when I come out and I quickly walk to meet him. For a moment I'm nervous about how I'm going to greet him. A hand? A hug? A high five? But as soon as I reach him he leans over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. I try to pretend that I'm used to this, and that I'm not completely shocked by this gesture. 

"Nice that you wanted to come anyway." he says as we slowly walk to his car. "Yeah, sure, I didn't really have anything better to do." I say. "Wasn't girls night fun?" Nico asks. Oh yeah.. shit, I told him I had girls night. "Yes, but a lot of the girls were tired, and I wasn't." I say quickly. Nico nods and doesn't think about it  anymore. 

When we arrive at the parking lot I only see one car. I walk towards it, but Nico stops me. 'Sorry, I didn't come by car. In fact, I don't have one.' I turn around and look at him in confusion. "We can also go to the party by bus..." I say, thinking in terms of solutions. 

Then I see that Nico is holding a helmet. He presses it into my hand and then steps aside. Behind him is a motorcycle. 

I still think of my mother's words when I was 16 and my current boyfriend had a motorcycle: "If you ever dare to touch that thing, I will personally ensure that you'll never leave this house again,except to take out the trash, of course." My mother is quite strict and firm. She has a clear opinion and always keeps her promises. That's why I never enter my boyfriend's motorcycle. We went by metro, walking or by taxi. 

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