1- The Meeting

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A letter appears between the young couple, Theo grabs it before Marina can. Giving her a cheeky smile as he goes to read it.

"Before we forget, there are two people that we need to bring. Along with these new people, We have bestowed a curse on the gods. You will feel a fraction of what your demigod children feel during the viewing.

Good luck." Theo finishes. Everyone looks between the gods and their demigod children. The gods, though, look worried. Everyone looks at the demigods who are cringing, which worries the room.

Marina looks at Poseidon, who's already looking at her, "Sorry in advance, dad." She gives an uncomfortably sheepish expression. This makes the godly man's worry shoot through the roof.

There is a flash that makes everyone look away from the front of the room. When the light disappears, there stands James and Lily Potter, looking around at twenty-one years old. No dull eyes and pale faces. They looked healthy as the blood flowed through their veins.

Tears appear in their loved ones' eyes. Marina bolts up from her seat and tackles her parents in a hug, making them stumble but catch themselves. She holds back her strength, not wanting to crush her parents. They look down to see a head of long dark hair. The girl is shaking as she cries.

She looks up at her parents, who instantly lock eyes with her. The mismatched greens telling them who this girl is. They pull back quickly.

"Lily flower, look. Our little pearl is so grown up!" James shouts, holding Marina by her shoulder's so they can look at her.

"You've gotten so big." Lily holds the girl's cheeks, wiping away her falling tears. Marina only laughs as her parents bring the girl into a tight hug. Sally, Remus, and Padfoot come running over also, Padfoot turning into Sirius Black as he comes running over.

People start screaming and backing away from the escaped prisoner. "Arrest him!" Umbitch and the minister yell. The auror's ready their wands, but they are stopped by Marina's voice, "Stop! He's innocent!" This makes everyone pause. The family of three have separated from their hug as Sirius stands by James' side. Remus and Sally stand near the family as well.

"What do you mean, Miss Potter?" Amelia Bones questions.

"He was framed, which you all would have found out if he was given a trial." Marina sasses. What she says sinks into everyone's ears who didn't know.

Amelia slowly turns to the minister. "He wasn't given a trial?" She asks, exasperated.

The minister stutters as the room's attention turns to him, "They didn't think to give him a trial. Considering the evidence."

"Evidence! My best friend! My brother! The godfather of my child was thrown into Azkaban because you didn't look past the surface!" James' Potter looks like a lion, representing the traits of the house he was sorted into.

People start whispering, the words: best friend, brother, and godfather are heard around the room.

Amelia Bones speaks over the whispering, "Sirius Black will be given a fair trial as soon as we are out." She assures the family. They nod even if they know the truth will be revealed in the third movie.

"How did you know that happened?" Sally questions.

"We were told some of what happened after our death. However, we still don't know a lot of what happened." Lily tells the woman.

"James, I'm so sorry. If I never convinced you to make Peter the secret keeper-" Sirius is cut off by James hugging him.

"Sirius, you didn't know. None of us did. We couldn't have known that one of our best friends was a traitor." James reassures his brother. Sirius nods, a little assured but still feeling guilty.

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