Break- A Spar of Bronze and Iron

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Everyone is walking around and stretching their legs. While the demigods stretch and do some light exercises, which makes people watch them.

Clarisse is doing handstand push-ups, Thalia is stretching her shoulders, while Annabeth starts on her leg stretches. Marina walks up to Nico and saddles up at the end of the couch, gaining the attention of Nico and her wizarding friends.

"Do you want to spar with our swords?" Marina asks antsy to spar with someone since not many can match her, especially not any other of the wizarding mortals. Her demigod strength would hurt them.

Nico looks at the girl, knowing that she wants to get closer to protect him for both Bianca and because he's younger. What happened with Bianca wrecked her, and the guilt almost ruined their quest.

"Okay, let's spar." Nico tells the older girl who smiles brightly at him, glad that he agreed. They quickly walk into the center of the room, and the hall shifts and moves the couches so they have space.

People startle at the moving couches and chairs. The couches form a large open circle. People watch as Marina and Nico stop in the middle of the circle. The Greeks immediately know what's happening, so they circle around the edge while the witches and wizards follow them, curious.

"What's happening?" Lily questions from her spot between James and Poseidon. Her voice is heard through the entire circle, which makes Marina glance at her mother while she checks her shoes.

Poseidon glances at the beautiful redhead before looking back at their daughter, "They are having a spar."

"Why?" Sirius questions from his spot on James' otherside, Remus standing beside his husband also curious.

"Why not?" Thalia answers the man from her spot not very far away from the family. This makes the witches and wizards glance at her in confusion. Lily and James share a worried look, not knowing that their sword fight was part of her life.

"We have spars and duel all the time at camp. They are necessary." Clarisse tells them as she watches from the side.

Marina fixes her hair into a ponytail, so it's not flying everywhere, which makes some of the guys around the room eye her. She's always been pretty, and they would have made a move, but from early on, she was claimed by Nott as he was her, and they don't want to make moves against the Nott family.

"Shall we come up with some rules? So we don't kill each other?" Marina suggests to Nico, who agrees.

"Whoever severely wounds the other first wins?" Nico suggests, which horrifies the witches and wizards while the Greeks just shrug it off. Marina agrees to the rule, but Nico speaks up again.

"How about a bet as well?" Nico offers, which makes Marina pause as she holds a pen which confuses the witches and wizards.

She looks at Nico with slight suspicion, wondering what he might want. "What would you want?"

"I want your agreement to what I offered when we last spoke." Nico tells the girl, and she goes still. Everyone notices the tension and are wondering what they last spoke about that would make her react like that.

Marina looks at Nico and she see's that he's serious. She contemplates what he said while she stares at the floor. The quietness and tension make everyone realize that what they last talked about was very serious.

Making a decision, Marina looks back at Nico with fierceness in her eyes that almost none of the witches and wizards have seen before except her friends. "I agree to your terms."

"What do you want if you win?" Nico questioned the girl. People are curious about what she would want, considering the seriousness of his request.

A light shines through her eyes as the corners of her lips turn up at the edges, "I want you to teach me how to play Mythomagic while I'm at camp." She sports a mischievous smile.

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