Neighbor []Prologue[]

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[]Note: Daredevil is a dark show with much blood, fighting, and mature content. If you're sensitive to any of this, I advise to avoid reading. Other than that, I hope you enjoy my story! []

❝You sure you want to do this?❞ Your best friends voice hinted with sadness and worry, as you only nodded at her and smiled brightly.

❝Don't worry, Amelia. I'll be fine. I was raised here, remember? I know Hell's Kitchen like the back of my hand.❞ You replied softly, your hand resting on your best friends shoulder, as she nodded at you.

❝Alright, (Y/N). Do you know how much I'm going to miss you? Skype me every day. Send me pictures. And don't go on any dates with hot neighbors or co-workers without talking to me about it first!❞ Amelia smiled at you brightly, her green eyes sparkling, as you thumped her forehead, shaking your head.

❝I'll try my best, but I make no promises.❞ You teased, a light smirk tugging at your lips as Amelia gave you the death glare, before nodding and wrapping her arms around you in a hug.

❝Goodbye, (Y/N). I've got to get back to NYC so I can get ready for bed. Call me tomorrow, please.❞ Amelia exclaimed, pulling away from you and smiling.

❝I will. Bye, Amelia. I'll visit as soon as I can.❞ You replied, nodding towards her and picking up the Van's bag at your feet, throwing it over your shoulder. Amelia have you one last hug before turning on her heels, walking to her car and driving away as your (e/c) orbs watched.

As soon as the car disappeared from view, your hands reached for the iPhone in your pocket, unraveling your headphones and placing them in your ears, Panic! At the Disco (or a favorite band or such) beginning to blare through the red skull candy's. Your apparel was normal, as you wore vans, skinny jeans, and a tank top and jacket. Your (h/l) (h/c) was pulled up into a slightly messy bun, as you pushed the door open to the apartment building in front of you. Checking your apartment number, you began climbing the stairs, soon reaching the level where your apartment would be.

As you began walking, you looked down to your bag, a sigh escaping you lips. Without notice, you fell to the ground after bumping into a figure, your headphones falling from your ears and making your music echo around the hallway.

❝Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there.❞ A voice exclaimed, a hand being held out to you. As you gratefully took the hand, the figure helped pull you up, your (e/c) orbs meeting reddish tinted glasses. The sudden realization that this man was blind struck you, your cheeks immediately flushing bright red, as your hand gathered your earphones.

❝Oh! There's no need to apologize, it should have been watching where I was going.❞ You replied, pushing a loose strand of (h/c) hair behind your ear.

❝It's fine. If you don't mind me asking, are you moving into the room near the end of the hall?❞ The man asked, as you nodded, soon realizing that you made a mistake by doing a motion instead of speaking.

❝Oh! Y-yeah!❞ You replied, a bit shyly.

❝Really? I live right across from you. Hey, if you need any help unpacking your things or anything, I'd gladly offer assistance.❞ The man exclaimed, smiling at you, as you couldn't help but smile back.

❝I-Uh, thanks! I'm actually going to start packing my things tomorrow, and I'd really appreciate the help.❞ Your voice wavered slightly, as you could feel your nerves spiking, growing more nervous by the second, your face flushing bright red again once you realized you had been staring at the man and admiring his good looks.

❝I think I can find some time to help tomorrow. How about around 3:00 p.m.?❞ The man asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

❝Sounds good! Again, thank you. Oh!I'm (y/n) (l/n), just to let you know.❞

❝I'm Matt, Matt Murdock.❞

❝Well it was nice to meet you Matt, besides the bumping into each other thing. I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow?❞ You smiled at him, as he nodded.

❝Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.❞ He replied, walking past you and into his apartment. Your (e/c) orbs watched, butterfly's in your stomach.

Your new home already seemed great...

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