Wires []Chapter Five[]

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❝So how have you been doing?❞ Matt asked you, sitting across from you.

❝Good, besides the fact that powers are forming about every day for me.❞ You replied, a chuckle escaping your lips.

❝Mind telling me the ones you've developed besides the wings and regeneration?❞ He asked, head tilting to the right slightly.

❝Telekinesis, some ice powers, a bit of heat, flight, teleportation, and I'm starting to think telepathy. But I just...don't know...❞ You replied, eyebrows furrowing.

❝Wo, that's...a lot. ❞ Matt exclaimed, expression shocked.

❝I'm having a bit of trouble with all of them, teleportation the most.❞ You exclaimed as Matt nodded.

❝I'll do everything in my power to help you.❞ He stated, nodding towards you. Your (e/c) eyes looked into his, your expression softening as you leaned forward, letting your hand take hold of his.

❝Thank you Matt, for everything. It's nice to know I can fully trust you with anything. You're an honest person...❞ You exclaimed with a small smile. Your brow rose, at Matt seemed to shift as you claimed him as honest. Was he hiding something? Nevertheless, you shook off the feeling and let your hand drift away from his.

You stood from the chair, putting away your empty mug that you had been holding for a while. As you began running water over the cup, a hand brushed against your thigh, a pair of lips beginning to kiss your cheek. You soon realized it was Matt, as his hands were secured to your waist, thumbs rubbing circle on the exposed skin between your shirt and shorts.

❝M-Matt?❞ You gasped out, his tongue grazing against your exposed skin. You couldn't help but moan, turning around to meet his eyes. His lips trailed to your jawline, hands quickly removing your shirt and working for your bra.

Just before his lips were about to meet yours, everything stopped.

(Y/n!❞ Matt snapped his fingers in front of you, as your eyes quickly looked towards him, face flushing furiously.

What had just happened?

A daydream obviously. Ever since that night when he comforted you, you had been having daydreams of Matt Murdock. Some were full of lust, others with just him holding you in his arms and keeping you safe.

You couldn't deny your feelings for the man in front of you.

Couldn't deny your love.

You were in love with Matt Murdock.

❝(y/n)?!❞ Matts voiced reached your ears as you suddenly perked, almost falling off the chair.

❝O-oh my, I'm so sorry. I hadn't realized-I must have zoned out.❞ You explained, rubbing the back of your neck and awkwardly smiling.

❝It's okay. I understand.❞ He replied.

❝Matt, can I ask you something?❞ You asked, tilting your head as he nodded.


❝Would you like to Uh, have dinner with me?❞

❝Are you asking me out on a date?❞


❝You can't exactly go out, though. Your wings and all-❞

❝I'm a really good cook, and I can cook something here!❞

❝Sounds great. When do you want me to come over?❞

❝Wait, you actually want to go on a date with me?! Oh my gosh, I mean, tonight at eight thirty is perfect. I mean, if that's okay with y-❞

❝I'll be here then. Until then, I have to go back to the law firm. You take care of yourself, (y/n)❞ Matt caressed your cheek, placing a soft and gentle kiss upon your forehead, as you blushed furiously, excited for the rest of the night.

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