White Blood []Chapter Four[]

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A giggle escaped your lips, as something tickled the skin near your nose and cheekbones, your eyelids fluttering open. Your (e/c) orbs locked on to something feathery and white, an eyebrow raising as your hand went to touch it. Near the top, it felt like bone, but it was softer the farther done you went. Your hands trailed along the boney part to try and find what these things where attached to, as your eyes went wide when you stopped near your back.

They were attached to you.

❝What the hell?!❞ You screamed loudly, immediately standing up and trying to find a mirror. The extra weight put you off balance, as you tumbled to the floor, groaning in pain. Apparently, the drunken affect had already gone away, much to your surprise.

You shakily stood up again, fumbling to your bathroom and looking in the mirror. A small scream escaped, before you put a hand over your mouth to stop it.

❝(y/n)!❞ Matts voice reached your ears in worry, hearing your door open.

Tears rushed down your eyes as you quickly shut the bathroom door, not locking it. Your wings made you fall back, crashing into the mirror, glass falling everywhere, some digging into your skin.

❝Matt! Stay back!❞ Your voice shook, as blood dripped along the skin of your back and shoulder. Too late, Matt barged in, looking at you, or your heartbeat.

❝(y/n)...❞ Matt began to say, before you cut him off.

❝You can't see, right Matt?❞ Your voice said shakily, as he approached you. Your wings and injuries would be as clear as day, due to the fact you had awoken in the middle of the night to change into your underwear.

❝Not in the same way as you.❞ He replied calmly.

❝So you can see, though? You can notice that I have wings attached to me?!❞ You voice began to raise, as Matt neared you, but you pushed yourself against the wall, sliding against it and sitting on the ground. Tears fell down your cheeks, as you suddenly let out an agonizing scream, the pain of the wings retreating back inside of you (like Wolverines claws) making pain tear throughout your entire body.

Matt quickly kneeled down beside you when it was over, wrapping his arms around you and drawing you close. His head rested on top of yours, his arms wrapped around your waist, voice calm and comforting.

❝Shhh, shhh. It's okay (y/n), it's okay.❞ His soft voice exclaimed, hand raising up to stroke your hair, which calmed you. Your eyes closed, the tears beginning to dry.

❝What's wrong with me, Matt? What's wrong...❞ Your voice hitched as you began to cry again, though Matt only said more comforting things to you.

❝You're just different now, (y/n). You're just different. Different is good.❞ He explained, as you once again closed your eyes and drifted off.

❝Ow...❞ You hissed as Matt began to clean your wounds, with you sitting on a stool, him standing behind you.

❝I did tell you it would sting a little...❞ He chuckled lightly, fingers grazing your soft skin.

❝I know...❞ You mumbled, letting a sigh escape your lips as you felt him out the gauze onto your wound.

❝Your wounds already seem to be healing at a fast rate, so in about two hours you should be able to take off the gauze. Seems like you've got a healing factor, also.❞ Matt explained, as you nodded, walking towards your closet and grabbing a shirt to put over your almost-naked self.

❝Thank you, Matt. I really appreciate you not freaking out and giving me comfort.❞ You voice softened, eyes looking over to meet his.

❝It's no problem. I can assure you, you're worth it.❞ A smile formed on his face, as your cheeks turned a light pink.

❝Hey, would you like to go out so-❞ You were cut off by his phone ringing, the phone, the phone respecting the name of Claire. Matt quickly picked it up, as he began speaking on the phone.

❝Hey, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll check up on you later, okay?❞ He exclaimed, as you only nodded, avoiding his gaze. Matt hesitated for a few moments before exiting your apartment, as your eyes watered over again.

Claire? Who was that? His girlfriend? Partner? Ughhhh....

Your mind wandered as you fumbled over to your bed, falling back on it and looking at the ceiling.

Your hand reached for a CD on your nightstand, as you put it in your CD player/radio.

White Blood by Oh Wonder.

The song seemed to calm you, as your eyes stated up at the ceiling above you.

I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go
Can't do it alone, can't do it alone
I'm ready to run through the heat of the sun
Can't do it alone, can't do it alone

I'm ready to fall, so tired of it all
Down deep in a hole, can't do it alone
I'm ready to climb this mountain inside
Impossible heights

Said you'd always be my white blood
Circulate the right love
Giving me your white blood
I need you right here with me

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