The Red []Chapter Two[]

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The cold night air stung against your cheeks, as you carefully ran across the rooftops, jumping to each one. Before you knew it, your (e/c) orbs landed on a bank, it's windows crashed and cop cars surrounding it. The red and blue lights illuminated the night around you, as your gloved hand reached up to your mask, carefully pushing a tiny button located on the left side.

Once the button was pushed, a lens covered your eyes, as you saw the glow of several different footprints on the ground. Due to possessing no powers whatsoever, you had to improvise and use your intellect to create gadgets that would greatly help you. Though, you saw an opportunity for you job at the moment, causing you to quickly take out your camera and snap a photo before putting it away.

On the police radio, they had discerned the thieves, as your lens spotted footprints that matched the description of the thieves. Without hesitation, you began running and jumping again, following the trail of yellow outlined footprints.

Before you knew it, you spotted about six men, each with loaded weapons, the men shuffling about through four black duffel bags, money visible in them. Mashing the button on your mask to get rid of your lenses, you silently jumped down from the building you were perched on, lightly landing on the ground before the men. They seemed to notice you quickly, smirks appearing on their faces.

❝Well what do we have here. Why don't you go ahead and leave, pretty lady, and we won't cause you much harm.❞ One exclaimed, standing and walking near you. His intentions were in a way, hostile.

Out of disgust, you quickly outstretched your arm, landing a hard punch to the mans face, who stumbled back and grunted in pain. Each man quickly stood, guns pointed at you.

❝Hm, I thought you guys didn't want any harm done.❞ You taunted, your voice changer allowing your voice to sound deeper than usual.

❝Oh, that was just a lie. Kill her!❞ The man whom you had punched exclaimed, pointing a finger towards you before he darted off, taking one of the duffel bags with him. You shook your head in disappointment, grabbing a smoke pellet from a pouch attached to you waist, throwing it on the ground. Immediately, you activated your thermal vision, spotting two men near you. The first was fairly easy to take out, due to the fact that he was still dazed by the smoke.

You quickly charged at him, grabbing ahold of his arm, twisting it and breaking it. Your white combat boots came down hard near his knee, breaking his right leg. Finally, your hands gripped his neck, snapping it without hesitation.

You killed.

You weren't exactly a hero, you were an anti-hero. Willing to clean the city up by getting rid of the people making the city filthy.

The second was also easy to take out. You had swung your fist, letting it connect with his collar bone, causing his body to swing back, head hitting hard against the brick wall behind him.

The third. By now, the smoke had cleared, as the third and fourth man came charging at you from opposite directions. Without hesitation, you jumped up into the air, legs spreading as if you were doing a split. The two men groaned as their heads connected and you landed, knocking them both out soon afterwards.

The fifth came at you hard, landing a punch to your cheekbone and cutting your lip, causing blood to trickle from your wound. He had tried shooting, but you quickly kicked his gun away before killing him.

You activated your lenses once more, as you followed the footsteps of the finale man, leading you to an alley way. He was trying to scramble over a fence, but you quickly grabbed his legs, pulling him back down and causing his gun to fall to the ground, away from the both of you.

❝Oh, don't worry, I won't go easy on you.❞ You growled lowly, grabbing the man by his shirt collar. Your arm came back, as you began to punch him. After about five punches, the man gained the energy to knee you in the stomach, causing you to fall back on to the ground with a groan.

He quickly scrambled for his gun, picking it up and pointing it at you.

A loud bang went off, along with the sound of the bullet ricocheting off of a substance. A loud sigh escaped your lips as you looked down at yourself to find your entire body coated in a blue-ish white substance. Your eyes went wide, as another figure jumped from the rooftop, quickly knocking out the man before you.

The other figure was dressed in black, with a black mask covering his eyes.

Before you knew it, the coating on your skin disappeared, as the man in black looked over to you, voice deep.

❝Who are you?❞ He asked, fists clenched as he approached you.

❝Depends on who you are.❞ You replied, taking a few steps back.

❝Did you take out those men back there?❞


❝You're using a voice changer.❞


❝Smart idea.❞

Your eyes narrowed, fists clenching.

❝And who are you?❞ You asked, raising a brow at the man.

❝The devil of Hells Kitchen. I'm one of the good ones.❞ He replied to you, staying where he was.

❝I don't go by a name, not yet. Though, I do have to go at the moment. ❞

❝Wait-!❞ The devil of Hell's Kitchen didn't get to say another word as you quickly climbed a fire escape, disappearing into the night.
❝(Y/N)! Please tell me why you're calling at six in the morning.❞ Amelia groaned over the phone, as you noticed how tired she sounded.

❝Amelia. This is serious.❞

❝Oh! Wait, do you do it with the guy next door? Because seriously, you need to lose that virginity girl. It can't stay with you forever. ❞

❝Amelia! No! No! No! There's been a development. With my other job...❞ You whispered, looking down at the cup of hot chocolate sitting on your kitchen counter.

❝Oh! Oh my gosh. I'll be right over in a few hours!❞ Not another word was spoken, as Amelia and you both hung up the phone, awaiting patiently to meet the other.
About an hour and a half later, a knock was heard at your door, as you opened it to reveal a groggy Amelia.

❝Thank you so much for coming. I didn't know who else to contact.❞ You exclaimed, gesturing for Amelia to follow you and sit at your couch. Your swiftly grabbed two cups of hot chocolate, giving one to Amelia as you sat down.

❝So what's the problem?❞ Amelia asked, as your eyes nervously darted off to the side. A gasp escaped Amelia's lips, as your skin was now covered in the same substance it had been later before.

❝It's not a metal, I've determined that. It's not pure ice or anything. It seems to be a cross between some sort of diamond-like material and ice. It's not able to break nor melt, which raises a lot of questions for me.❞ You exclaimed, skin turning normal once again.

❝Wait. Hold up. You're worried about this? Are you kidding me! Your skin turns into something impenetrable and you question it?! Wow, I thought I had taught you better than that, (y/n)❞ Amelia shook her head disappointedly, as you sighed.

❝It's late. You should get some rest.❞ You exclaimed.

❝I'm sleeping on your couch tonight. We can discuss this more tomorrow, and you can introduce me to your neighbor that you're totally going to do sooner or later.❞ Amelia exclaimed with a smirk.

❝Amelia! I am not having sex with him! I barely know him. He's only been over once, and that's to help unpack my bags. So stop being so nosy.❞ You replied, frowning slightly as you put the cups in the sink.

❝Fine. But it's your missed opportunity.❞ Amelia replied with a frown, crossing her arms.

❝Blankets are beside the couch. Goodnight, Amelia.❞ You stated, walking away from the couch and towards your bed.

❝Goodnight, (y/n).❞

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