Liar Liar []Chapter One[]

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You gasped, immediately sitting up in your bed and groaning, you hand reaching up to rub your forehead. Your (e/c) orbs darted over to spot your phone, as you reached for it to check the time.

1:43 p.m.

❝Oh my god! I've got to get ready!❞ You exclaimed, hurriedly throwing off your bedsheets and running to your bathroom, dogging the many boxes on the way there. Without another word, you had taken a shower, brushed your teeth, and brushed your (h/l) (h/c) down.

You walked out of your bathroom, dropping the towel around you and putting on your bra and underwear, picking out some ripped skinny jeans, Vans, and an Iron Man T-shirt that you adored. As you finished getting dressed, the buzzing of your phone was heard, as you quickly rushed over and answered it.

It was Amelia.

❝Hey, (y/n)! How's it going?❞ She asked, as a knock at your door was heard. You quickly glanced at the time.

3:04 p.m.

❝Uh, hey Amelia. It's good. I'm fixing to start unpacking some boxes and setting my stuff up.❞ You replied as you opened the door, a smiling man greeting you. Immediately, butterfly's began to swarm in your stomach, as you grew nervous, motioning him to come in, along with holding up your index finger to indicate that the phone call would last for just a minute. You quietly walked into your kitchen, leaning against the counter as Matt stood near your door.

❝Hey? I heard you have a neighbor. And it's a guy! Tell me, is he handsome, cute?❞ Amelia asked, as you could tell by the time of her voice that she wouldn't cease asking until you have her a truthful answer.

❝I mean. A little. Alright, yes.❞ You replied, a light shade crossing your cheeks.

❝Have you introduced yourself yet? I want to meet him!❞ Amelia exclaimed excitedly, as you sighed and shook your head.

❝Amelia, I've got to unpack. I've got someone here to help me unpack.❞ You exclaimed, sighing.

❝Don't tell me, its your handsome neighbor, isn't it?❞


❝Liar, Liar, L-!❞ Not another word emitted from your phone, as you hung up and shook your head.

❝You okay?❞ Came the voice of Matt Murdock, as you quickly snapped your head up and smiled.

❝Yeah, it's just my friend. She tends to be a bit curious.❞ A light laugh escaped your lips, as you say your phone down and walked over to Matt.

❝Ah, there's nothing wrong with being a bit curious.❞ Matt replied, smiling at you.

❝Ah-hah. So, if you don't mind me asking, how's a blind man going to help me unpack?❞ You asked, crossing your arms and raising a brow.

❝I have my ways. My senses, they're a bit heightened. I can help to the best of my abilities.❞ He replied, as you nodded and uncrossed your arms.

❝Alright then, lets get started, shall we?❞

The day had gone by fairly quickly, as Matt proved useful in helping you unpack. He had asked a few questions about some of your items, and you both exchange some life stories. He told you about his dad, his accident, how he had become a lawyer at his own firm, working with Foggy and Karen. You had told him about being a photographer, and how you were supposed to get photos of all the heroes and villains that scoured the cities. To be honest, you had enjoyed the day, spending it with him.

❝What's this for?❞ Matt asked, his hands gripping a police communicator, radio attached.

❝I-Ah, I told you about my father being a police officer. It was a gift to me, I listen to it sometimes. Interesting stories. Last night I heard about some 'Daredevil' or 'Devil of Hells Kitchen'. I don't know why people think he's bad. From what I see, he's saving the city. Someone has been framing him for that explosion and that dead police officer.❞ You explained, taking the radio from his hands and sitting it on the night stand beside your bed. You walked back over to your final box, examining the contents as Matt walked to the nightstand, examining the police communicator silently. As you turned around, you grunted, having bumped into Matt. The both of you fell onto the bed, as you were on top of him, so close that you could feel each other's breathe. For a moment, your face flushed and you were lost, until you finally scrambled back up, rubbing the back of your neck and blushing furiously.

❝I-I'm so sorry! You were being quiet and I didn't see you there- and I'm really sorry.❞ You fumbled out, words escaping quickly. Matt chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

❝We've got to stop bumping into each other.❞ He exclaimed, as you laughed lightly. You were about to say something, but was cut off by the police radio going off.

❝All units, report to 56th street. Robbery in progress. Two dead. Suspects on foot, we can't find them.❞ Came a male voice over the radio.

Matt and you both began to speak at the same time.

❝I should go to bed.❞ You both exclaimed , eyes meeting. Matt nodded at you before walking over to your door, looking back towards you.

❝I hope we get the chance to talk again, without unpacking boxes.❞

You laughed.

❝I'm open on the weekends?❞ You exclaimed.

❝Expect a visit from me then.❞ Matt shut the door behind him, as you quickly scrambled to your closet. Being extremely quiet, you pulled out a small box, opening it to view the contents.

Inside was white articles of clothing. Everything white.

You quickly took the clothing, changing out of your current attire and into it, which included the following.

A white tank top, leather jacket, shorts, stockings, combat boots, gloves, and a white mask that covered your facial features, except for your eyes, hair, nose, and mouth. Placing the box back where you found it, you quickly pulled back a board behind your closet, grabbing a sword that was hidden behind it.

56th street, was it?

Time to go bag some robbers.

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