Angel []Chapter Six[]

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You soft hands traversed throughout your carefully brushed hair, as a sigh escaped her red lips.

In just a few seconds the man you were madly in love with would show up for your first dinner date. You were excited, yet nervous.

What if you screwed it up? Made a fool of yourself. You believed you had the tendency to do so, even if people around you disagreed.

You had agreed to wear a Snow White dress that managed to show off every good part of your body, fitting perfectly. You wore flats, since you were staying at your house and not going out.

Suddenly, you were jumped out of your admiration of your good looks, despite a few bandages here and there, by the sound of your doorbell. Quickly straightening out your dress with you hands, you hurried over to the door, unlocking it and silently opening it.

❝Come in❞ you soft voice exclaimed, inviting the figure of Matt Murdock inside. A smile crossed his handsome lips as his blind eyes met yours.

❝If I had normal vision, it would only reassure me of how beautiful you look right now.❞ He exclaimed softly, causing your cheeks to turn a light pink at the compliment given towards you.

❝O-oh. Thank you. You look handsome, as always.❞ You replied back, shyly brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

❝You always think I'm handsome?❞ He asked curiously, raising a brow and smirking slightly.

❝I-I mean. I-okay. You do. ❞ You exclaimed, beginning to walk towards the table you had set up. It wasn't too fancy, as you weren't too big on appearance since your date was blind.

The thing you were worried about was the food. You had managed to cook a petite filet for the two of you, along with two sides. It smelled heavenly, as you were surprised you actually cooked it right.

You had been determined to cook it correctly since Matt was your date.

❝So the forks and everything are set up. I hope you like steak.❞ You exclaimed shyly, scooting into your seat and beginning to eat.

You and Matt had stricken up quiet a conversation, talking about the past. It was refreshing to explain everything to someone else who could relate to a father problem growing up. You had found yourself lost in this man, wanting to fully understand him and wanting to be with him. Not just sexually, Matt Murdock fascinated you. You wanted to be in love with him, and to your excitement and approval, you were in love with him.

Your hands grasped the two empty plates as you took hold of them, placing them in the sink behind you. You turned around, beginning to go back and bring the drinks, but your body bumped into another figure, Matt, with the cups in his hand. Sorry began to mutter from your red lips but Matt's intense stare on you made you go into complete and utter silence. It was just the two of you, his hands placing the cups in the sink behind you and pinning you back and against the counter. His hands then moved to grip you waist, bringing you up so you were now sitting on the edge of the counter. All you could hear was your intense breathing and the pounding of your heart, everything else drizzled away as you were in a state of pure bliss and excitement, anxious as your lips drew nearer.

As soon as you two began to close the space, your police radio went off, a low voice grumbling. Disappointment ran across your face as your cheeks turned a bright red and you moved away from the man and was now standing again.

❝I-I'm sorry, I have to go. Something important.❞ You muttered, turning to see Matt looking at you sadly. But once you heard that there was a robbery in place at a bank, Matt heard it too. He swiftly nodded, awkwardly looking away.

❝Yeah, me too. I'll see you later [Y/N]❞ He replied softly, silently leaving your apartment to leave you standing alone, heart sinking into a bottomless pit. Had he thought you didn't like him that way? Your eyes began to water over, but as the tears fell, the froze into ice and shattered against the wooden floor. Intaking a sharp breathe, you turned to your closet, abruptly opening it and removing your outfit. During the free time you had while healing, you had done some major outfit modifications. []shown in the chapter picture.[]

Suddenly, your hand covered your mouth as you closed your closet to stare at yourself in the mirror. Your [H/C] slowly began turning a silky white and growing down to your knees, your [E/C] eyes turning a blood red and the pupils turning into slits. Your teeth gleamed as you also noticed sharp fangs in your mouth. It took all your strength to not collapse in a heaping pile of tears, but you held back, taking in another breathe.

You still had a job to do.

[]Sorry for the long wait for an update! School has been getting at me and I've also been running and working out because I plan to try out for my school football team, even though I'm a girl. Just for you guys, I'll make the next chapter an epic romantic chapter to make up for the long wait. And don't worry, the next chapter will come soon. :) []

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